PVP Changes

Wow this topic has gotten 281 replies already. I hope we have some news before the weekend comes around.

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Can you still find the ravens outside dumb frenzy…excuse me blood frenzy asking because ive done 15 battles without one. Ignoring blood frenzy because its tiring

Setting expectations: this isn’t likely.
I’m hoping to have something about it next week sometime.

We were already discussing these points earlier in the week:

So if I do get any news it might be about those, but I think more time is needed.


Think that instead of balancing and nerfing troops a banlist for all kingdoms beside the Central Spire would be best. Consisting of troops, weapons that are problematic and the Elementalist class which is the only class really causing problems.

This would also make it possible for the changes to Journey troops to be reverted back, by putting them on the banlist, and so solving the problems that the Journey event currently has.

Think the banlist is easier and less time consuming then needing to balance or nerf things. So hope a small banlist can be considered. It would also make it so that PvE doesn’t have to suffer from how things in PvP are.

Thanks for the update, this in itself is some useful news. And next week is not long until so I can’t complain if that is the case. Many of us kinda miss the PvP before this week, alot.


On a technical level for a programmer it would be faster to implement probably - but in every other aspect of game dev it would not be easier or less time consuming.


Here here. This is just stressful. I can win but its not fun. Even searching for silver marks and ignoring blood frenzy is a drag. I was one of the ones that hated guild war too. This is guild war every day


Yeah, same. I think Kafka have taken notice of it that most of us doesn’t find it any fun as it is. Now we will have to be patient until we see which changes that will come. I am hoping for the best.


So while PvP is the hot fire currently, do you have any news for Journey? The next one is coming up real soon.


Well, I am above a casual player. They need to think about the people that plays the game when they sit in the bus in the morning to the work, and so on, as well. It is not easy to find a solution that fit most gamers category, it is PVP so it should fit any players at any levels to a degree.

There seems to be some people vehemently defending this for some reason. I dont get it. Its the same teams…often the same people, over and over.

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A great example, thanks for looking all these up. And it shows how the hero is overpowered in comparison to similar traits.
Worth adding to this list, though, is all the class traits that apply status effects.
So here’s what I found:
Deathknight - death mark all enemies (on death only)
Doomsayer - death mark one enemy on 4+ match (25% chance only)
Elementalist - stun, freeze, burn and entangle one enemy on 4+ match
Frostmage - freeze one enemy when ally casts spell (25% chance only)
Hierophant - random status to one ally when turn begins (25% chance only)
Plaguelord - disease one enemy on any green match
Sentinel - barrier one ally when turn begins (25% chance only)
Slayer - bleed up to three (maybe four) enemies when an enemy dies
Tidecaller - submerge one ally (myself) when I take damage
Warpriest - stun one enemy at start of turn (50% chance only)

Now obviously this doesn’t include other powerful traits that don’t include status effects, and I’m only listing the class traits, not the traits that can be unlocked via trees (since tress are all shared between multiple classes), but it’s still clear that there’s a pattern.
Most class traits that can trigger fast (4+ matches or ally casts a spell) have a low chance to inflict a status effect and only do one effect to one enemy. Elementalist is the exception, with four guaranteed status effects every time. The only other exception that comes close is Plaguelord, which inflicts just one status effect (disease, which isn’t very powerful) on any green gem match and has a 100% chance like Elementalist, but is still less powerful.
The others are generally slower to trigger, requiring you to wait for the start of your turn, killing an enemy or taking damage before they trigger, and even then they generally only inflict one status effect, again. The only exceptions are Deathknight, which triggers on death and therefore can only cast once, and Slayer, which triggers on an enemy death and therefore also has limited use, as well as inflicting bleed which is a fairly weak status effect like burn.
Basically, one class trait stands out. And while multiple classes need buffing, that class can be balanced too.

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While allowing you to earn rewards. The big drag is only top 3 getting rewards outside of the weekly

Hope it can still be considered at the least. As currently the changes made for PvP also heavily impacts PvE in a negative way. Such as with the Journey events.

There will always be people that likes most of the changes, no matter what changes that we have. It is in every game. Some are just around to provoke and annoy others tho, it is impossible to do something with it.

I think some of the people that like this are hardcore pvpers who realize that many wont like this and theyll have an easier path to top 3. I did 1000+ matches the last two weeks. Fun while i excercise. Ive done…43 now

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Maybe, and some of them doesn’t have much empathy or care about others, lets say the newbees and so on.

This is definitely at the top of my list with PVP and Guild Wars for sure. But no news currently


Easy fix. Keep the nerf. Lessen the requirments

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I think as it stands it is a too overwhelming game for most new players trying out this game out at the first time. I am afraid many just uninstall it after all the menus and everything pops up on them, they just numb - doesn’t know where to start. As I see it, that is the biggest problem this game has currently. This PvP thing is just a tiny part of it all…