PVP Change Notes July 24th 2024

Daily reminder you’re talknig about devs who keep forgeting about adding Tarot cards into Vaults despite a one-year-old announcement that Tarot cards are now added automatically to the pool.


As a side note I can agree Wand is even bigger issue than Stella as Elementalist is immune to freeze and keeps cleansing himself for 18 all-colored mana.
But if you actually played this game, you know Stella is not supposed to be player-owned unit in any kind of ‘balanced’ gameplay. You may keep it frozen to the very end. Pass the turn - it unfreezes - charges - blasts - refresh itself - blasts - refresh itself - blasts. You’re dead by the 3rd blast anyway unless some of your cards are below the water.

So, summing up playing against Stella. You’re against the board RNG. You’re against RNG regarding any freeze source (is there reliable and quickly available target freeze? Don’t think so). You’re against RNG of Stella being self-cleansed next turn. Against RNG of Deluge affecting the same (useless) last troop (leprecon) every 4 matches. Against RNG of Stella self-recharging after cast.

Too many ‘against’. I’d rather pick Beetrix plague back those days. At least it wasn’t THAT reliable.


Completely agree. I don’t understand why the very vocal minority is being given so much potential power to ruin weapons, troops and classes all over one game mode because they can’t be bothered to actually use strategy to play instead of just demanding easier to win pvp battles.

The devs were apparently under the impression that newer players were not playing shiny new pvp because of journey troops so they destroyed an entire game mode. Somehow they forgot that new players have to spend all their time farming traitstones and collecting gold for kingdoms and delves which is better in explore.

Many midgame and endgame players are probably not playing new shiny pvp because they took 5 minutes to do the math. Assuming they win their league every week and manage 3 books a week that’s still almost 8 years to level all current kingdoms. That’s continuously winning their league for almost as long as the game has been around. Not a lot of people are going to be motivated by those gold marks to keep that up for years.

Wand or any hero using elementalist and stella can easily be taken down with eoe and/or zuul plus several other combinations that have been discussed but people refuse to play unless it’s ridiculously easy. It’s just not completely mindless hit 2 buttons win and it’s ridiculously to dumb the game down because people can’t be bothered to think. Maybe they should play other modes that don’t require them to actually think and use more than 2 troops.


They knew that it is possible and they knew how to do it. They did exactly the same when Dawnbringer came into the game and dominated the arena mode.

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Remember Journey is a cash grab. We might think it isn’t, but the carrots are the two books. All they do in reality is give you the books needed to move to 16. I was saying ages ago that this was not helpful, as you end up cost neutral, no extra books.

The reason it was nerfed was, to make it harder for people to complete, up the gem expenditure and tempt people to parting with cash wherever they could for additional books. Books of Deeds have driven money in this game for a long time. Hence Journey nerfed.

When you realise they (books) are pointless, then the game is a marginally better experience.

It was foretold maybe 2-3 years ago that devs would increase gem expenditure so that players struggle to make gem gains. That’s part of the overall strategy to frustrate and make you bring out the wallet or purse.

Look at all the dev responses regarding Journey - have a good read and then think of all the other issues we have as players. That’s the answer for everything folks…


Is it bad that i dont want wand of stars and stellarix removed from defenses? Hahaha. Ive learned to deal with them especially on purple days. I personally like the easy first place in my bracket because no one wants to fight them haha

Also takshaka is much more irritating to me. In blood frenzy its an easy to fill double zuul that gets rng buffs to placing its wild cards for ai


I’m fine with them too. I do not own Stella (at the rate I pull dupes, I doubt I ever will) and seem to have no trouble beating stella/wand teams. I’d choose them on purpose to fight against.

However, I can see how people would find it boring to face all the same teams. :woman_shrugging:

I dont think boring is why people were screaming about it. They were getting tilted by seeing their team 1 shot. Heres the thing though: just stop them from one shotting you!!!

Purple day. Easy. Wand, gray king, your choice of king of ravens, obsidious, or kuranda, then leprechaun. Easy peasy. Laugh as their team is constantly silenced and drained.

Blue day. Easy. Wand, zuul, 2 takshakas. Kill their wand with zuul. Game over.

Yellow day. Same but swap zuul for ctharr.

Red day. Same, swap back to zuul

Green day is more annoying due to beetrix but still easy.

So what im saying is the people wanting it nerfed or removed just didnt want to do the work to find the counters. If they dont have the counters? Well get them. Its a gacha game and blood frenzy is endgame. A player without a fairly full roster shouldnt expect to compete for the top spot.


its almost closing time for me. having a hard past week and not having time to play made me realise how little joy is left. That said i am still playing because i enjoy the modes that aren’t designed to deplete resources.

note for the devs/cx, for the future of this game please keep your players (F2P and Paid) in the loop. Lies and broken promises are just going to push more players away.

this is almost a good bye but i still have a little hope


Ive ignored underspire every week it wasnt a faction with a meta troop. Even then you have to spend a lot of gems to finish. And to top it off no potions to incease the grind

Ironic you call people out for not wanting to use more than a limited number of troops when that’s what PvP literally is right now, facing the same limited number of troops, Wand and Elementalist over and over.

And, the suggested counters posted shortly after also use a limited number of troops. Many shared across different colours. But yeah, you’re clearly right, PvP is the thoughtful mode that’s why it’s all the same troops that require all the same counters.


It feels like a very well designed game mode to me. The first battles are pretty easy, you can get some very good stuff for free, even as a newer player. And you can get some extra stuff by paying up and playing increasingly harder battles. So far I’ve always managed to throw together a team that made it to the end, my collection is pretty good though. I believe it was worth the gems, otherwise I’d have stuck to the free stuff.


If you don’t want to play a variety of troops to counter stella play in a different region without stella. Also, it’s not like everyone even has stella

When will it be released?


Here on the forums, sure. At least early on. But in my guild, I’ve been hearing complaints based on boredom. Complaints from people who know how to win these battles and DO win them. And I think the boredom comes less from seeing the same enemies than having to use the same attack strategies.

I mix it up a little on offense because there is actually more than one way to skin those cats. haha. But there is not a ton of room for creativity.

Well, most of us have been giving the counters publicly. Entire teams. So it’s not like they have to do much sleuthing.


Hmmm… I am guessing, based on the title of this thread, and the original post states “will be released tomorrow”, it will be released July 25th. Who knows?


The point about tomorrow is it never arrives as by the time it’s tomorrow it’s actually today. years later …

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Nope. Been saying this from the start of the discussion about nerfing yet more troops.

You just can’t really beat Stella and Wand in Frenzy with Stella and Wand. I mean sure, you can, but this can backfire very hard so it’s better to use something else. Or it was depending on if they ever manage to switch on the replacements or not. :joy:

But I’d rather see them replaced here to satisfy the people who were specifically upset about it.

For all I care, ban Elementalist as well.

Just leave these things alone for the sake of the rest of the game.

And replace and restore journey troops while you’re at it. (Well, not you, the devs of course.)


“When will then be now?”
