PvP Battle count

Can you please also put the battle count on the battle screen? Like this?


That’s a great idea! It would really make it easier to keep track of how many battles have been played, especially since it is easy to miss the rewards on the Victory cards.

Thank you! :grinning:


100% this. Ideally, they’d also re-sort the battle victory cards better, but this would be a great step.


Agreed. I feel like we missed our usual request for that last week. The reorder of Victory cards usually comes up every time Tower of Doom week shows up. :joy:


I love this idea!


This please! :heart_eyes:

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Damn good, and sensible idea, that isn’t based on you being the only one playing.
Brilliant for everyone.

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Yes please.

Or make the silver marks a popup like the doom boss battle unlock if that is too much to ask (but I’d very much prefer the original suggestion).

Can you plz just give me points like the ones in the picture lol

I’m all for this idea.

The only problem is that they’ve made a very underwhelming shop/game loop with silver marks, so I could see them not implementing this because no one is spending silver marks after a few months. :thinking:

Talismans don’t last long enough for the price, and the same pets have been cycling for weeks. If it continues the same, there’s only 5 weeks of 2 pet combinations for 10 buyable pets for silver marks.

They could have made silver marks highly sought after with pet orbs, but then they attached gold mark costs to them too, making it just another throwaway offer.


While I approve of this idea, I wish there were more worthwhile things to buy with silver marks, or an option to exchange silver marks for gold marks at a 10:1 ratio. As it stands now, it’s hard to stay motivated to chase the silver mark bonuses instead of just staying in a region where I can win quickly and easily.


You underestimate their ability to add dozens more functionally useless pets.

For now, I’m collecting silver pet copies the old-fashoned way.

First, because it lets me save orbs for all the other pets (gold mark/starry/new wednesday pet/golden holiday/that random pet rescue you’ve been waiting to see for months after Legends Reborn events end).

Second, because there are no other practical silver mark items to buy. Dropping the gold marks needed to buy orbs in the shop and greatly increasing the amount of silver marks needed would definitely get more people chasing the bonus around the map.

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Oh I know, I’m waiting for more of those useless pets.

The old fashioned way is just draining. Take the time it takes to get 750 silver stars and do that 309 more times. Nah, I’m good doing that 10 times. I haven’t even bothered to orb those pets either since most don’t do anything of note.


I thought I’d start with 60 and see what the state of PvP is after that, if I ever make it there.

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