yeah Loyal Players … iam the Founder of this Guild and was their Guildleader from 0 to Rank 1. So many of these ‘’ Loyal Players’’ from other Top Guilds asked me for an invite when they saw our Success.
(When i lost Motivation i changed the Leader to Phr33 so dont pm me pls with requests )
The current Leader only walked into a ready-made Position some People always forget their roots He dont even invite his old Guildleader which invited him when he was a noname Low Level . The Person who invited him in his own Guild ( Santas big Gifts) even after he said no thx i stay in PewPew. and the Person who gave him the Leadership without conditions after his retirement.
really i know you will read this .Youre an ungrateful Idiot @PHR33KP0W4 I trusted you, thats why i gave you the leadership but looks like might always reveals the true Character.
Just wanted to look how the Game looks today perhaps some Days in my old Guild but then i must hear ,You are to weak for Guildwars no thx’’ from you . Really man without me you wouldnt have this Position tzzz iam so disappointed .That was the last Time i ever trusted someone which i dont know personally.
You dont have a bad conscience? You’ve owed me everything and this is what i get ? i hope you have Nightmares and your Soul goes to Hell
thats no mimimi iam not sooooo motivated to continue its only to remember him who made this and that everyone with Honor would have invited his old Captain
yeah no comment tzzz you are the ungrateful Person i ever met. Iam the one that gave you that chance and what i get for this? not even a Guildinvite. I made you a great Player you got all the Rewards for your Troops from my Guild when i was the Leader you reached Level 1000 in my Guild from like 200 when i invited you. You are just a Joke sitting on the Throne i created
if you would have even a little Honor you wouldnt have rejeted me .Cant understand why you can be so ungrateful you owe me everything
Please change the name so I can see it influenced you, lol and see how ungrateful you are really are,or just get your own damn guild leader back in a be a nice guy
Klär das doch mit dem Support, er sitzt da nur rum und greift die Lorbeeren ab, SBG wird schon lange nicht mehr ernst genommen, es wird Zeit, dass sich der wahre König erhebt