Promised Path Rewards not received by many

Well…let’s see that the official response is…and then I might also file in a support ticked just out of principle, not because I’m in dire need for the stuff in previous passes (lower level Exalted, Paragon, etc) as it’s almost entirely underwhelming (as, by the way, is Daily Progress task big prize of 15min of XP bonus…novice player might be happy about it, but for 2000+ players - nobody cares!)

Thanks to @TimeKnight for playing devil’s advocate, but, as others have previously mentioned, this wording

makes it quite clear that everyone with 1500+ should receive both previous Exalted Pass and Paragon’s Path rewards;
besides, PvP analogy as a very poor attempt to side with devs as PvP - unlike these new level-related passes - is available to all the players all the time for unlimited playing at their will.