Bonjour tout le monde !
Depuis la mise à jour d’hier sur Xbox One, j’ai une tâche qui me dit de “Remporter une bataille en utilisant trois unités à partir du même règne”.
J’ai donc essayé de remporter une bataille avec trois unités de Zaejin, avec ou sans mon héros en plus, mais rien n’y fait, je reste à 0/1.
Je ne vois pas du tout ce que cette quête tâche me demande de faire.
Si quelqu’un pourrait m’éclairer, ce serait vraiment sympa. 
Hi everyone,
I’ve just installed the new patch on Xbox One, and I’m facing my first problem with it.
There’s a task that says "Win a battle using 3 units from the same
‘reign?’ " (or something like that, my game isn’t in English), and I can’t
figure what to do.
I’ve already tried to win a battle using 3 units from Zaejin, with or without my hero, but it’s still not unlocking.
If someone could help me with this one, that would be really cool.
“Du meme regne” en anglais vent dire “from the same Kingdom”.
Tu dois utiliser 3 unites uniques venant de Zaejin. En plus, j’ai trouvé que c’est meilleur d’utiliser les Defis de la meme regne pour completer la tache, et la meme drapeau (Zaejin). A mon avis, la tache c’est fonctionne de cette facon pour moi.
P.S. Good lord it’s impossible to write anything in another language with autocorrect changing every word. M’enfin!
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Merci, c’est ce que je pensais, c’est pourquoi j’ai complété un défi de Zaejin avec trois unités différentes de Zaejin, avec le même drapeau, mais rien à faire, la tâche ne progresse pas. 
(En effet la correction automatique, dans un sens comme dans l’autre, est une vraie plaie. ^^)
Bizarre. Depuis la mise a jour, j’avais recu cette tache meme, et elle etait remportee comme d’habitude. Je n’ai d’autre suggestion a vous poser. Desolee, peut-etre qqn en soutien technique XboxOne pourra nous aider.
EDIT translation of previous conversation:
As mentioned in the OP, the Xbox One task “Win a battle using 3 troops from the same Kingdom” does not appear to be working properly for Nomisath. It’s a matter that can only be addressed by Q.A.
Somewhat misleadingly, I reported (above) that since the update, I have been able to complete that specific task. That turns out not to be the case. This morning I cycled the same tasks and realized that the tasks I’d actually completed were “Win any battle using 3 troops of the same race,” and “Win a battle using 4 troops of the same mana type.” I’m glad that they worked of course, but they’re not entirely the same thing.
So it’s up for grabs as to whether we’re having a repeat of a similar issue where the Kingdom Banner tasks were bugged.
Please note that ALL such tasks require that you use 3 UNIQUE troops.
This was frustrating people for the other similar tasks - so that’s my first suspicion here. We’ve seen all those tasks work internally, so I’m hoping it’s just a matter of using unique troops. It’s also possible that some kingdoms or troops behave poorly - so trying other combinations might also work. If not, please list the specific teams you’ve tried to help us track the issue down.
You’re never going to let me live that down, eh?
Oops. Full disclosure, I am completely ignorant of any previous dialogues on the Banner issue-- I haven’t yet gotten around to reading anything on that subject in these forums. All I know is that Banner tasks only seemed to work for me if I did them in the same Kingdom associated with that Banner.
Since I could get those tasks to complete after all, I was never sure whether they were a feature typo rather than a bug.
It is possible that Nomisath’s task is actually “Use 3 troops from the same RACE” but it’s been mistranslated into French as “kingdom” rather than “race”? And the reason it’s not completing for him is that he might be using 2 marauders and a construct rather than 3 marauder goblins.
I managed to complete the task, using 4 units of the same kingdom.
It doesn’t work with only 3 of them.
The description in French is misleading, it should be “Remporter une bataille en utilisant quatre unités du même royaume”.
I hope it can help other players. 
Felicitations et bravo!
@Nomisath Pourriez-vous nous informer les noms des unites en particulier que vous avez utilise durant la bataille? Merci
J’estime c’est possible il y avait une faute typo dans la description de la tache, non pas en nombre mais dans l’action demandee.
Excellent! We should be able to correct the text in a few days.
Bien sûr.
J’ai utilisé le Chaman gobelin, le Dresseur de sanglier, le Gobelin et la Bête noire.
Merci. Since those troops by English name are Goblin Shaman, Boar Rider, Goblin and Black Beast-- or three goblin marauders and a beast-- then as you say, the task was simply asking for the wrong number of troops. (O.o)