Priority for daily and weekly Tasks

Hi all,

I wanted to ask for some advice on how to prioritize the various daily and weekly tasks available in the game. There are multiple daily tasks, such as adventures, dungeons, and delves, as well as weekly tasks like Shrines and Guild Events. Additionally, there are tasks without limits, such as PvP and Arena. Given our limited available time, I would appreciate your opinions on which tasks I should prioritize daily and weekly :blush:

Also, are there any tasks that you guys think arenā€™t worth doing (maybe Treasure Hunts and Arena)? And How worthy is Pet Rescue?

As a general rule of thumb, prioritize them according to whatever you actually need most for your desired progression. Hereā€™s a breakdown of what I personally consider the best (and/or unique) rewards for each:

Weeklong events:

  • Weekly Epic Trials - rewards Starry Pets
  • Weekly Underspire - rewards include Epic Vault Key, various Orbs, Dragonite
  • Weekly events generally - rewards include Vault Key, various Orbs
  • Guild Tasks - advertised rewards (see the ā€œTasksā€ page of your Guild)
  • Guild Seals - spend on Guild Chests for exclusive ā€œGuild Guardianā€ troops; also, the only chest type that can be upgraded to drop better Troops (see the ā€œSealsā€ page for your Guild)
  • Event leaderboards - if you make the top 100 by end of an event, you generally get some Gems and an Orb of Chaos

Daily events:

  • Daily Boss Dungeon - Diamonds, colored Jewels, Jewel Shards, chance of Dragonite
  • Tuesday Faction Assaults - 2 Orbs of Chaos and 1 Vault Key
  • Pet Rescues (any) - Extra copies of the Pet in question, Pet Food
  • Thursday Class Challenge - bonus XP towards the Class in question, Gems
  • Arena Weekend - various rewards up to an Orb of Chaos
  • Bounty Weekend - Vault Keys and Orbs of Chaos
  • Gnome Weekend - Vault Keys (best time to run a Gnome-a-Palooza)
  • Treasure Hunt - Gem Keys, Glory Keys

Thereā€™s also the daily kill quota: +20 free Gems for slaying any 100 Troops (~25 battles), but sometimes itā€™s +100 for slaying any 150 Troops of the same color. It persists until completed, then resets for the next day.

Writs, Deeds, and Books can be found higher up the reward ladders in various modes, but I would be the wrong person to ask about themā€¦

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Worth pointing out that almost every mode gives rewards that might be useful at some point of advancement, so itā€™s important to figure out what you need and make the stuff that give that as a reward into your priority, if you want to advance.
Itā€™s also worth pointing out that you should try everything and figure out what modes you like and dislike most. If you really like something, you might want to prioritise it even if rewards arenā€™t great, like arena. And, if you really dislike something, you might want to treat it as less of a priority, like Journey events.
Iā€™d add to the list above, which is really good, that dungeon and pet rescues also give jewels, which are useful for the soulforge. If you want to craft troops or weapons (which youā€™ll need at some point, to level up your kingdoms) youā€™ll need jewels to spend. And if you need gems, treasure hunt is basically the only place to farm for them, though you wonā€™t get many so expect to play a lot of hunts and farm other stuff at the same time. Also, if you need to unlock traits, youā€™ll need traitstones, which you get from doing explore battles. And eventually youā€™ll need to do delves, but thatā€™s a later priority (you get three free delve tokens a day and can start delves by using the token, even without doing any battles, so feel free to start a delve in every faction and come back to them when you have time if you want).

At a certain point, you probably need to do some of everything, but given time is limited, just focus on what you enjoy and whatever gives you what you need right now, for progression.