Predominant is seeking 2 active players level 300 or higher. No requirements until kingdoms are upgraded to level 10 except collecting your seals and having fun!

PreDominant is looking for 2 active players to help us in our quest for greatness! We are the sister guild to Dominant, ranked at #20 in Gems of War. Regardless of your level there are no requirements except collecting your seals until you are strong enough to contribute more! Even then you still contribute only as you can afford it. Come visit us on our Discord server @ Discord or private message me on Discord @ Jamieburke_2015#2736

In PreDominant we want you to get stronger, so we feel that allowing you to level up your kingdoms will benefit us both. Once that takes place you can contribute as you can afford it. We want you to participate in all the guild events but they are not mandatory. If you get stronger so do we, so it works well for the betterment of both you and the guild.

There are also opportunities for more serious players to advance to Dominant. That guild is full right now, but every week brings changes. If you want to improve, get help with all your questions, but not have to worry about making many requirements, PreDominant may be the place for you.

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