Post "United We Stand" update - Change Suggestions

UPDATE: suggestion 4 seems to have been dealt with, in the recent hotifx. We can now see what rewards we will get and can hunt gold marks more easily. Thank you devs.
Also, suggestion 13 has partly been addressed, as the option to disable alliance chat notifications has been fixed, so it should now work. While the rest of the options would also be appreciated, this does make the chat much easier to deal with. Thank you devs.

Also, suggestion 8 is being highlighted here: Request for Clarification: Alliance Ranks and VP Reset as players are really wanting to know whether it’s worth their while to try for the highest ranks within their alliance, and what will happen at the end of the season. Having a clock counting down, so they know how long they have, and being able to click on it to be told what will happen to their VP and loyalty when the clock reaches zero, would remove a huge amount of frustration both during seasons and when they end.

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