Vague perhaps, but specific enough to see they are addressing items folks are more than vocal about. When the guys at mid and top are feeling the grind, still needing arcane traitstones, and burn out is setting in… I think the devs see they have a good initial hook and folks enjoy the progression, but ‘grind’ is an aweful mechanic to keep players interested. It’s the the death nell for any game. See this thread for more:
Dev’s seem to see a need for better servers, more / faster / stable updates, more of what players are looking for such as - addressing the arcane trait stone availability issue, which plenty of players see as a problem. That probelm is only compounded by regular release of troops and with mythics being added. Resources are now in even greater demand, and the fun of the game should be maintained as paramount, not grind. Perhaps the dev’s see and are taking some actions accordingly. I’m encouraged.