Possible monetization -- chest opening

No, I didn’t read a ridiculous amount into what you said, I felt your comment to me was short, sarcastic and rude, and your backhand “apology” here is a continuation of that tone. So you’re not sorry that you were rude just that you weren’t clear. Excuse me while I roll my eyes.

If you wish to have any kind of discussion with me here or in future, I expect it to be courteous and void of sarcasm. In this specific case here if you wanted to inform me of statements made by Sirrian on this topic you had only but politely point me in the direction of them.

Nobody face-to-face would say what you said to me in the tone you did.

I’m not here to debate you on your conduct, I am here to establish behavioral boundaries towards myself here with you.

Once again, and I want you to listen carefully here, this is not about what Sirrian did or didn’t say on this or any other topic. This is about how you communicated with me in a public forum in a curt and sarcastic way. I will not accept that. If you are in disagreement with this, fine.


For the time being, we won’t be implementing the ability to open more chests. The reason Sirrian told me yesterday is still due to us not wanting to overload the servers. It’s true that typically players open chests at weekly rollover, our busiest time, and this extra load as our playerbase continues to grow rapidly could cause problems.

It is something we may look into further in the future, but it won’t be anytime soon.


assuming there was no sarcasm, his request was not rude at all, “please” and “might want” are actually the type of words to put in a very polite request

for clarification - i am dull on detecting sarcasm but arent you too eager to detect one? - are you sure there was one?


This is why im ok with it… Id be more pissed if the game froze opening 500 chests then 50…

I thought people getting offended over everything in 2017 was just a joke but wow… On topic, how much server intensive would it be I wonder? Couldn’t they compute the results server-side in bulk and communicate that with the client in one instance? I would think 300 opening requests would be more server intensive than a single request to open 15000 chests. Anyhow, autohotkey easily fixes this shortcoming. I wouldn’t dare open 15000 keys on mobile though.