Poll: Should higher level players be punished so much by getting fewer VP than lower level players who can win just as easily in PvP?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

I’m hoping that the PvP situation at the moment is only a temporary thing as the rankings shake out, then the really high level players will be playing against equivalent opponents, but should a very high level player really get the same VP for fighting opponents that are a much lower level than themselves?

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PVP update is terrible. Not even going to try and understand the complexities they added to the game. It used to be a simple format, score 1900 get a few rewards and your done for the week in or around 20 battles. Now it’s multiple places to play, and literally a “3rd world” in the game.

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I voted NO same as almost everyone else, but the question is loaded and basically only allows for that answer.

Should higher level players be punished? No.
Should higher level players get fewer VP than lower level players? Sometimes, within limits and it should tail off into nothingness by a certain point.
Can all lower level players win “just as easily”? No, not all of them.
Should scoring even be based on player level? Lol no, should it f…


Yeah, it’s a push-poll, for sure. I don’t agree with the point spread being that far. I do think it’s punishing and I’ve advocated for it to be changed, but I also don’t agree that the lower level players can win “just” as easily in PvP. Almost as easily, maybe, but not just as easily.


yea, the main issue we need to deal with is the definition of what is a “new” player, because someone could very easily compete in the very low 1000’s if they knew what they were doing from the start. Typically by about 1300 one should at least have a strong basis to be able to win most battles, and by 1600 people have normally essentially hit the end game, with more levels bringing VERY little extra help. When looking at how the score works, there is no reason for a level 1500 to score 2x as much as a level 3000.

If someone completely ignores actual progress until level 1500, for example, that’s a problem for them. As an example, i’m about to hit level 1500 and just passed 20,000 team score. Its possible to hit that at an earlier level, but its also possible to be nowhere near that team score at the same level. Most of the fights i have seen for people near level 1500 tend to be between 17,500 and 19,000 team score.

I do agree that low-1000’s and below could have a boost to help them out, but as it is, this is not a boost to low levels, but a nerf to higher level players. Everyone around 1600 and lower is experiencing a nice range of scores, sometimes getting screwed with 3 low-ball fights, and relatively often being offered a 90 VP fight. Once you get near 2000 though, you’d be lucky to see any 70 VP fights, and 90 VP fights are essentially once in a blue moon. So in reality, the only players not experiencing the system as they should is the very high level players.

imo, the “boost” that could be given to lower level players, could be to increase their stats in PvP, to let them battle with the same efficiency as others. For example, if the player has less than 30 magic, then set their magic to 30 for that fight, could also set minimums for other stats. This would let them beat the fights a bit more easily, but would still require them to work for it. Scoring being this lopsided is just unacceptable when the focus of the mode is leaderboard placement. Whatever the scoring system is, there should be virtually no scoring difference for any players over level 1500.

Also, in ANY game, the more veteran players will basically always have some kind of advantage, simply through more play time. It is VERY strange to have a system that actively punishes those with higher play times. It doesn’t need to be a perfectly fair game mode, but is way off mark as it is.


PVP should have not been an update. Give us a new mode vs 1 that 95% PEOPLE want to avoid. After I get the 5th silver shiny troop I am done. That is 1 - 2 weeks away.