Poll feature for the Forum

Hello all!
I think it would be awesome, if we could get a Poll/Vote-Feature for the Forum. That way someone could ask a specific question, give several answer options and let the user vote for their answer. Maybe about 10 (max) answers or so. :laughing:

For example:

That way it would be easier to see the user feedback combined. :sunglasses:


1 Like

Hmm, I always found polls (not pools :stuck_out_tongue:) gimmicky. They never garner a lot of attention outside of the few active members and the odd lurkers. But why not?

Hmm, a poll would suggest some kind of democracy in action… Whereas I think we have a benign tyranny here…

First poll: I vote for tyranny :slight_smile:

It’s a nice idea, but I believe these forums are powered by an outside force, not actually editable by the devs.

If they’re capable of having polls implemented, then I guess it’d be fine for feature suggestions or one-off topics. So long as everyone doesn’t start adding them for the sake of having them I’d be fine with it.

Do polls work in replies in this forum? :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Yes
  • No
  • I don’t know

0 voters

Created with the following code:

Do polls work in replies in this forum? :stuck_out_tongue: 

 - Yes
 - No
 - I don't know

Well I guess that’s settled then!

** closes up shop* *

How can someone answer ‘no’ or ‘I don’t know’? :stuck_out_tongue:

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We should take a poll to see if people want polls…

Do we really, really, really want polls on this forum?

  • Of course!
  • Oh, please.
  • Couldn’t care less
  • Special option for @melkathi. Mel, click here. :smile:

0 voters

Ha, brilliant work gang!
For future reference, the Gems of War forums run on the Discourse platform, so anything for that should work here such as poll code.

@MarvelKit it seems there are melkathi IMPostors out there !!! My vote is leading the poll!


Defeated by my own 10 character requirement


This just made my day!

1 Like

Well, MarvelKit provoked it :laughing: