Hello all!
I think it would be awesome, if we could get a Poll/Vote-Feature for the Forum. That way someone could ask a specific question, give several answer options and let the user vote for their answer. Maybe about 10 (max) answers or so.
Hmm, I always found polls (not pools ) gimmicky. They never garner a lot of attention outside of the few active members and the odd lurkers. But why not?
It’s a nice idea, but I believe these forums are powered by an outside force, not actually editable by the devs.
If they’re capable of having polls implemented, then I guess it’d be fine for feature suggestions or one-off topics. So long as everyone doesn’t start adding them for the sake of having them I’d be fine with it.
Ha, brilliant work gang!
For future reference, the Gems of War forums run on the Discourse platform, so anything for that should work here such as poll code.