Please reorder the Victory cards more sensibly

Or just have it show once someone beats it in your guild.


I’m surprised I didn’t think of that. But yes, that’s a fantastic idea!

This would be a huge QoL improvement.

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yes, uncover the scroll directly in the UI and every guildmate immediately see it. it is so painful for those play with only 1 screen especially on mobile, to share the rooms details with other guildmates. that really a huge improvement to QoL.

or actually dont cover it … :zipper_mouth_face:


For sure. I’m actually using two devices for that, my old tablet to write down the rooms (or look at what has been uncovered) and my new one to play. Tedious and unnecessary.

But I guess they bank on many guilds not helping each other out and thus spending more gems.


Yes, priority should be given to the most important things being visible at the end of the list, especially in ToD. This can’t be said enough times.

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I shall agree with this post!!