Please put Deeds in the PvP Shop for Gold Marks!

Talking about Ice, Nature, Fire, Air, etc. Deeds. For Gold Marks in the PvP Shop. Imperial Deeds are in there, random Book of Deeds are in there, throw in the other Deeds, please!

I’m trying to level my last few Kingdoms to level 15 and Deeds are painfully slow to farm. I’m aware they’re easy to come by for Gems at the Merchant, but for the F2P player, even in a good guild, this is sloooow, bro. Like I have Stellarix, but some Kingdoms still stuck at level 12 for months upon months because I’ve got 3 Deeds of Fire. And yeah I can craft a few, but Writs are even slower to farm.

I’m hoarding my Gold Marks, please give me something to spend them on before moving on to Books.

LOL! What a difference in perspective a newer player has in this game. For years we begged, pleaded, for some way to earn deed Books more quickly. Finally, FINALLY, we were rewarded with what may just be the one valued reason to play PvP.

You DO know that deeds can be acquired in the Soulforge, right? Yes, they require writs but there was a time that I actively forged them.

At any rate, good luck with this request. In truth, deeds may actually be a good use for all of the silver marks we’re accumulating.


It helps if you’re in a good guild that finishes the Journey and Epic tasks - both of which gives you deeds. :slight_smile:

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Yes, that’s a very good reply. I was thinking more about my original response and realized it was incomplete.

Maybe the economics of the game have changed, but I was rarely short of deeds when promoting my kingdoms. As the above post notes, deeds can be routinely earned by completing Epic tasks and progressing weekly events. If you’re not receiving these, maybe it’s time to move to a more experienced guild.

The daily Adventure Board (or whatever it’s now called) also routinely rewards deeds. Finally, if you wish to part with gems they are frequently offered while playing Explore, delves and Arena.

But maybe you’re one of those who exclusively plays PvP? I’ve wondered if this new format would create such a set of players.

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My guild completes all tasks + some LTs every week and completes all guild events every week. When Deeds are in the Adventure Board I complete those. I’ve been playing (edit: free to play, only ever spent maybe $20 total) for just over a year, I’m very active, level 1262. Like I said, I’ve played enough to already have Stellarix, all kingdom power levels between 15 and 20, but I still have 8 Kingdoms between level 10-14 with no Deeds and not enough Writs to craft any substantial amount of Deeds. I am active in PvP too. I spend probably 3-4 hours/day working on building my account and way more hours on Vault weekends.

I don’t want to start spending gold marks on Books until I get every Kingdom to level 15. I know I could, I’d just really like to get them all to 15 before moving on.

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Thanks, it appears as though the game economy HAS shifted. Back when I leveled all of my kingdoms to 15 it was Imperial Deeds I and others were lacking. Evidently, Underspire, PvP, etc, have now shifted this balance.


Normal deeds will become almost totally useless once you have raised all kingdoms to level 15. The conversion rate to deed books in soulforge is ridiculously 50 to 1. You will regret very gold mark you’d spent to purchase normal deeds.

If you’re really intent on getting individual deeds, and you have the Gem income to support that habit, it’s much more efficient to either rush Explore 1 or even to rush through low-level Delves looking for those Angel/Merchant encounters.

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