Please Devs answer me so i shut lol

Really? That’s the grammar point I’m going to get pulled up on? I’m actually a bit impressed.

Maybe wait until we make further announcements before accusing me of being the ninja that I am.


Here would be 1 example of trying to understand some of the new changes.

@Sirrian mentioned that good players win faster. So this implies the faster you win, the more you score. However, I’ve had people ask the following:

1 - does speed mean how fast the match takes in turns. Example: I get some lucky 4 matches and am able to wipe out my opponent before they get a move. Would that count as 1 turn and thereby the fastest you can do it in.

2 - does each 4+ match or creature ability count as a separate move so even using the above scenario, if I ended up looping Hellcat and Alchemist 50 times and winning, even though the opponent never had a turn, because I did so much, It’s considered slow.

2a - do 4+ matches count as an extra turn that would add to the turn count? Creature abilities such as Goblin or Queen Mab? Do they count aa well

3 - is speed considered simply how many seconds it took to win the match?

Clarifications along those lines to explain what matters for each without necessarily counting specific percent bonuses would be immensely helpful along with anything else above and beyond you wish to share.



It’s all good! Just guild wars not brain surgery! We will live! :slight_smile:

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If we are not given the rules to play by - we’ll just create our own :smiling_imp:


If we are addressing grammar… ninja-like should be hyphenated, as a compound adjective… and your sentence would be clearer with commas around the non-essential clause :smiley:


Please devs any info before it start would be really appreciate so we could spread the word to our guildmates and try to figure a strategy with these new rules

As you know not everyone is on the same time zone so please don’t wait until the last hour before telling us


Look like the color bonus are same then before 50%

Didn’t think that was changing. Just more post match adjustments.

Well it should give the most points i dont thing the 4 other points give +50% each but we never know, we will see if they finally give us info

Bumping as the work day should be kicking in.

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Yeah please @Saltypatra @Nimhain bring us some details :slight_smile:

No details is fine. Let us figure it out ourselves @Saltypatra


Some details would be nice. Like will each match cap at 1260 like it did before on the 300 points days. Plus @Nimhain is floating around today.

Yeah F*** the strategy a competitive game base on points to determine a winner we really Don’t need to know how to score points… that would be asking too much


Easy Ricky… Just count to Friday… 1… 2… 3… My Little Pony… :slight_smile:


Lol, I’m sure the forum will be flooded with how to maximize your gw score threads in no time.
Nothing wrong with having to figure some stuff out for yourself. Also that’s what your guildies are for. Share ideas and see what works and don’t work.

@death is right. We will figure it out ourselves if we are not given any détails.


Yeah but it’s stronger then me i want to win :slight_smile: this is the only competitive mode so don’t blame cause i want to perform well :stuck_out_tongue:

We do too. But what bothers me most is that those mysteries are absurd.


Also frustrating to see nim answer about gorghota 6 color and then keep evading from this post but it’s ok i will just shut im tired to wait