[Please contact support] Cannot buy Dec. 30th Holiday offer!

Platform, device version and operating system: Steam, Windows 11

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened: Have plenty of funds in my Steam wallet and cannot make this purchase. Have closed and restarted both the game and Steam itself multiple times and it makes no difference.

When did it begin happening?: Today, obviously. :wink:

Steps to make it happen again: See above.

Oh goody, I missed out on it entirely, with no response from anyone from the company… :unamused:

I keep hearing that the entire staff gets vacation at the same time, and things are more or less on autopilot until they get back. Don’t know if that’s true, but if it is, that’s ridiculous. Oh well, their loss…

Hey @Ripplin ,sorry about this issue!
We don’t normally all take the christmas break at the same time, and we do have staff on call for critical game blocking bugs but this year we did shut down support for the week for a much needed break. I hope you had a good holidays too.

I’ve had a look into what might have happened, but unfortunately the issue on my side isn’t obvious so I’ll have to escalate this to a programmer.

Would you mind submitting a support request for this issue?
This will allow us to talk about the issue privately in case we need to talk about any purchase/account or payment information with you regarding the issue and as it seems to be an issue specific with your account we can organise how to sort this out for you via the ticket as well.

Please include the link to this forum thread in your support request as well in case it’s not me who grabs your ticket, so whoever does has the full context.

Thank you and sorry again for the issue and the hassle.

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