Please can we put an end to all these 'flagging battles?'

I muted this thread after this post by you. I found it again today. I don’t know if what I am about to say will be considered off-topic, a personal attack against you, a poor attempt at a joke, or just “jerk behavior”.

Do you ever go back and reread the posts you make? How often do you end a post with “that’s just typical behavior by ‘x’?” I’m sorry, do I put a period and a question mark, or just the question mark? I know @Earnham and @TheIdleOne by reputation only, but I do not believe either to be jerks. You on the other hand…

I’ve seen you go after devs in a charity thread, and also when a difference in meaning for “cheques being cashed” occurred. I suppose you eventually apologized. It felt to me as polished and sincere as many of these bugged releases you are quick to condemn, but as long as the offended parties forgave you, no harm no foul.

I’ve seen you defend the devs during the December holiday period when they had limited office hours, and then attack forum posters who defended the devs when they had to work while sheltered in place. I don’t recall reading anything that warranted this response by you:

Again, another thread muted at that point that I went back to reread. It’s not that I’m easily offended. Maybe I am too easily offended. It’s that I don’t see you as the victim. I see you as someone who doesn’t take the time to read the posts of these people you claim harass you. I see you as someone who has no empathy, and doesn’t take the time to see an argument from another person’s point of view, perhaps because you believe you are always right.

The written word is harder to interpret peoples intent than face-to-face interaction. Even then, I have difficulty doing so. I just know that when @Earnham shared some advice on the L&D thread, I liked the post. Your posts could use some polishing. But I wouldn’t flag them.

Good luck to you. May you find happiness, if not in this game, than perhaps in your other pursuits.
