Pet Gnomes Stealth Nerf?

Since the last update to pvp I’m sure all but the most active pvp player guilds must have noticed a rather large decline in the number of pet gnomes being triggered. This is likely due to newer and mid-range players struggling in pvp mode and many high level players not wanting to play the mode past the weekly goal. Do the devs plan to address this as it is an issue imo?
Please dont respond to my post with ‘git good’ or ‘get another guild.’ I GM a starter guild, a mid range guild and a high level guild and I can see what’s happening. Thank you


Thanks for pointing this out! I’ve noticed this in PVP as well: I feel like when I first came back earlier this year, I was seeing more pet battles and encountering pet gnomes in PVP more often. Now it seems like it is quite a rarity.


It’s difficult to quantify this unless they confirm it. However, given overall there is probably less play of the mode and battles may be taking longer on average it would feel like a reduction. It’s high time they were allowed to wander freely.


Many players won’t or can’t play to pre 7.4 levels….no/minimal pvp results in fewer gnomes resultng in accounts being unable to progress. We know how that can end. Unfortunately anything I see related to future updates does very little to quell my concerns or think that floods of players will suddenly start playing the mode.


Yeah. Let’s not talk about beginner. Just Elementalist alone should make even veteran go ugh. PVP matchup is broken. Minimum 19k power from left to right with same team composition.

And to top it off, you introduce extra stats via monolith, which will be exploited by hustlers, not beginners. Beginners will fear after saw that stellarix with 150 magic damage, won’t they. They won’t touch monolith to upgrade their Rowanne. They will ‘f*** off I’m out of here’


The problem is worse when you consider that beginners have so far to go to make a dent in collecting (much less leveling) all the pets. When I started a couple of years ago and realized how far I had to go, I felt discouraged. (And recall how hard pet rescues are when you’re just starting out.) Now the problem will be worse in every way. Of course we don’t want the game to be so easy that it could be finished too soon. But a beginner needs to feel like it might be possible to one day reach a goal; otherwise they’ll just move on to something else.


My guild is seeing many many many… exponentially many MORE pets now, compared to to the old (pre-7.3) pvp days. However, we are seeing less pets in 7.4 than we saw in 7.3.

Under the old system, it was pretty normal for us to only see a pet or two on Mondays, unless it was a vault weekend.

My guess would be that membership churn is at least a part of our increase. Meaning we have lost a number of less active players and gained a number of more active players. I DO think there is more pvp being played, because of the rewards, though. Not sure anyone loves it, but they are doing it. at least in my guild. :woman_shrugging:

Beginners have an easy time in pvp. This is what my low level newb account deals with in pvp…

Nobody even has access to elementalist or wand or stella or pretty much anything. heh


Beginners only face other beginners in pvp. I made a newb acct specifically to test out the new player experience. I’m currently 209W - 1L in pvp. And the one loss was me having to retreat to quickly exit the game, not an actual loss.

My normal acct has zero issues playing pvp. I don’t have Stella, but have almost every other troop or weapon. So that certainly helps.

I think the people in the middle are probably the ones having the hardest time with the new pvp.

Personally I’ve seen a decline of and struggled with finding pet gnomes ever since the update to release the Underspire.

It’s high time for the PVP/Arena only restriction to be removed and let pet gnomes spawn anywhere that other gnomes can spawn. Now that silver and gold marks are a thing in PVP and they can be used to get exclusive pets, deed books and other hard to get loot, allowing pet gnomes in Explore or anywhere else gnomes can spawn would not devalue grinding PVP.

Please consider allowing pet gnomes to spawn anywhere that other gnomes can spawn.

@Kafka @Bramble @Nimhain @Sirrian or anyone else on the dev team reading this.


Strawmen aside, I’m wondering how many pet gnomes were encountered in PVP with a “newbie” account as this is something we are trying to learn more about!

I don’t think strawman means what you think it means? I was specifically replying to someone who was worried about newbies being able to play pvp at all. So I was literally just answering that riddle for them.

To answer yours, I did not keep track of pet gnomes on the newbie account, so I would be uncomfortable just guessing how many and passing that off as data. Anecdotally it feels like my regular acct in terms of gnomes, in general. The one odd thing I DID notice on the vault weekend, is my newbie account seemed to have no trouble getting the “right” verse gnomes. Like it felt like the game was purposely making sure I could do GAP? On my regular acct it was same old same old with being starved of one verse. Probably just good rng luck. Still weird.

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