Pause menu dont show bonus mana (talent or traits)

Platform, device version and operating system:
All versions

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Ally team has
3 troops that share Stone Link (+1 Brown Match)
Corsair hero which have Trait High Seas and Water Talent Water Mastery (Bonus Blue on Blue Match)
Enemy team has 4 troops that share Magic Link (+1 Purple match).

After 7.0 update pause menu changed and we have 3 separate page that show less information than before. We can’t see bonus mana from talent or traits but SHOW only the banner used.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Pause menu on every battle mode (exclude treasure maps). After 7.0 update

Steps to make it happen again
Start a fight and click ESC or pause menu, browse and read through the UI


Any update about it ?

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