That should be giving 6 arcanes - 1 of each type for blue… NOT all stoics.
I’ll correct that tonight, and make sure anybody with a PtG2 pack gets the correct NON-stoics blues in a mail on Monday!
The service is a big part of why I try to buy something with every patch. Just treat it like a new game purchase every few months.
Though 12 stoics did cause me enough frustration to question it. I mean, double set of Stoic would probably be around 1:36 odds, so not rare, but annoying.
Anyone else get 5 more Arcane Stoics this morning?!
That’s 17 I’ve got so far now from this Path of Glory Pack…
@Sirrian is that just really bad luck or does it need fixing going forward as well? (Not clear from the day 5 image if it’s meant to be Stoics or random blues again today)
No - not bad luck - it’s a bug.
I tried to fix it yesterday, but that particular piece of server code is something I’m unfamiliar with, so I’ve decided to leave the fix until our tech lead gets into work tomorrow… we’ll compensate everyone who has Path to Glory II with an ingame mail containing 17 extra random Blue Arcanes (NONE of which will be Stoics!!!)
@Sirrian I know that you explained yesterday that the correct method for the 6 Arcane days is supposed to be one of each color with the color of the week (i.e. Bl/Bl, Bl/Y, Bl/R, Bl/Br, Bl/G, Bl/P). What is the Arcane breakdown for the 57 Traitstone days? We now know it’s 40 minor, 12 Runic, 5 Arcanes. What is the color selection of those 5 Arcanes, fixed or random on those days?
Glad to see the issue is being worked on.