Patch 1.0.9 Preview Part 2

If this means that after I reach rank 1 in PvP I will have to play with the combo breaker off for the rest of the week, I may seriously start looking for a different game.


is this going to be on every battle? I would love it if it were… or something like it!


That is the one aspect of the upcoming changes that I am also hesitant about. Those of us that currently play on the “Normal” difficulty do so for a reason. Taking that away from us very well may take the fun factor out of the game.


Yeah, this is one of the real problems with treasure maps. Resources easily gained in greater quantity from other sources were included as top tier rewards. Souls and Gold should not be in red chests or vaults. If we really wanted them there are better ways.


Just checked again, refunds actually seem to have 1 week expiry. That should be okay, it’s triggered by a user action after all. If it never expires it might end up clogging up the mail box or (eventually) the database. Thanks for looking into the weekly rewards mail though.

What reason could that be? :slight_smile:

I hope the gold rewards for Treasure Hunt was buffed by 200%. They have been horrible ever since the 50% battle costs were removed.

I’m not sure about the combo breaker being turned off after PvP Rank 1, or before that point. I don’t think its a good idea, while I understand why the dev’s want to enable this.

Also treasure maps, I am not sure this is going to make them popular or better, the rewards are not very good and even when you finally reach the higher tiers, you can still get worthless gold out of it. I would love to see real possible rewards from this game.

Arena with the increased souls, and combo breaker being enabled after 4 wins, I am ok with this, but we will see how it goes. I love the arena mode because its completely random troops against random defenses, the only issue was the rewards sucked for the amount of time investment. PvP was a much better method, and if we goto hard mode, PvP will suck for anyone trying to climb the ranks, while still easy mode for those fully traited.

Since my wife isn’t on the forums I will attempt to speak for her. She tried hard for a bit and eventually went back to normal. From what I understand she doesn’t like the way that removing the combo breaker changed the game flow. It doesn’t feel random to her, she feels cheated when “the computer suddenly manufactures a dropped in series of 3 of a kind cascades that magically turns into a 4 of a kind cascade of skulls that turns into another series of cascades and suddenly the entire team is charged and my first troop is dead”. You can tell her it is recall bias all you want, but it doesn’t matter, it makes the game less fun for her. Choosing to stay at the normal difficulty allowed the game to retain the fun factor.

I am the other way, while I grumble and grouse when the comp gets those kind of cascades it doesn’t negatively impact my gameplay experience. Thus I have always played on hard or warlord I. I love it when I get those cascades and wreck the other team, but I recognize it happens against me too. It is a matter of loss / risk tolerance. Hers is lower than mine and the options in the game allowed us both to enjoy it equally. This change appears to remove that level of choice.



Punishment threshold. Reminds me of one of my recent games with Combo Breaker turned off. The AI made a 3-match on the top left of the screen. The gems that dropped in made a 3-match with the gem located on the right side. The gems that dropped in made another 3-match with the gem then located on the right side. The gems that dropped in made a 4-match with the two gems then located on the right side. It actually looked pretty funny the way the matches crawled along from left to right side, even though I did get obliterated afterwards.


Oh, I absolutely feel the same way! The question was more or less rhetorical. :slight_smile:
Even though I usually play on WL1.


This puts it into perspective for me. I guess a traitstone every 15 moves is fine. I don’t tend to count my moves… so a game with a Vault should yield 6-8 traitstones depending.

a new thread started here: Difficulty removed from pvp

@mattlistener suggested:
Maybe a compromise could be unlocking higher pvp difficulties in a given
week once the player has reached rank 1, assuming they meet the level
requirement? @Sirrian?

The reason for asking about update only variables and server variables: in terms of arena: can you change it from like 4 wins to 5 wins or whatever to achieve the correct number you guys feel is needed? in terms of treasure maps: if 8 isnt giving the spread of rewards expected can you up it to say 10? in terms of pvp: can you do what was suggested above?

ALso is there a warning that code braker is going to be turned off?

I actually like this changes, taking the very awful feature of combo breaker off is nice. Never actually liked when it was introduced but I was forced to use it for speed sake. At first only was a helping feature for people under level 15 and that’s how it should have remain.

Kinda dissapointed that we still don’t get any kind of form for mass disenchanting, right now its a complete shitty system so I hope at least is being considered @Sirrian …

As always, you guys have delivered, awesome new patch that got me pretty excited about.

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We don’t know there is no mass disenchant coming. … yet.

Do we?

Or speedy Ascension button?

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Speedy Ascension, yes.
Mass Disenchant… ummm… no, sorry, not yet :anguished:


did the dodge in the 4th spot issue get fixed?


Good point, working your way down to a troop with the agility trait in the fourth position with the possibility that it will be impervious to any kind of damage is frustrating.

So you fixed the one that its less of a problem? Mass disenchant is a problem everytime we open keys while ascencion, well… Avarages players do it like once every three days, and hardcores have already almost them alll at max, and the ones they don’t, are barely 5 clicks and not done even once every three days.

Not trying to be an ass but this was a terrible path of working, as you guys should have the core code for the mass disenchant feature (Which should have been improved and by any meaning removed…) Well at least this is my point of view with my ignorance of the actual problems it would take you guys to develop it.