Orbs of Ingots used in Soulforge in Dragonite Recipe

So when you make your new soulforge recipes - don’t forget to include Orbs of Ingots in the recipes. Since their release I have literally never used a single one of these. So they can be added to the recipe for Dragonite.

Here is my stash now:

Orbs of Ingots

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Just to make it simple and clear - I have never used these orbs because there is no need for them. All my weapons are upgraded except for a handful of Doomed weapons. I have never had any shortage of ingots of any kind, not even when I was a newer player. There are enough ingots in the game play rewards to cater for weapon upgrades. So these orbs will keep piling up (Vault weekend is coming!!) as they have no purpose.

Lol. I use them when a new weapon comes out each week just to get rid of them.

To be clear, I have enough ingots of every level to completely upgrade every weapon in the game currently that I don’t own twice over.


On a developed account, this is true, but for new players that have not yet got the tools for, or access to Factions, they are more useful.

I would not put them into a dragonite recipe, but if orbs of wisdom and ingots were exchangable for underworld treasures like orbs of growth, it would seem like an improvement to me. Preferable to cover the remaining rarities.

Who am I kidding, our chances to get heard would be better, if we wrote letters to Santa, than by posting in this forum…

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I am not entirely sure what access to factions have to do with it? One gets lots of ingots when doing PVP. I was a new player just 2 years ago - and throughout this time I did experience a shortage of souls at some point and had to grind for souls, I also experienced a shortage of gold several times, and I actually did a lot of Arena in the beginning to get more gold since I could not do Explore 12 yet, but I never ever experienced any shortage of Ingots.

Because with Factions progress comes your daily ingot login bonus.

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The Dragonite recipe is a joke since so many players are after Dragonite. But yes any useful recipe in the soulforge will work…

You only really get low rarity ingots from PvP, legendary and mythic ones drop like one in a thousand battles. Almost all weapons are legendary or mythic, you get those ingots in piles from the chest at the end of each delve run.

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Ah I see - I have never really wondered where exactly all my ingots came from - since I have never had a shortage.

Until recently, you had a constant influx of gold and mythic ingots through the Pvp tier rewards. I guess, that will change a bit from now. From what I remember, the only ones I had trouble with for quite a while were the purple ingots.