Operation Mammoth Drop

@Saltypatra before you release shoctopus make sure the french translation is done
I can already tell you spell text still in english and first trait also :slight_smile:



Actually since mammoth does damage to 2 stats was thinking the attack to armour would break barrier and damage to life would still hit…

I haven’t used mammoth yet, can anyone confirm or deny this?

Stuff that specifically reduces armor doesn’t interact with barrier in any form it is currently in the game, so I doubt this would be any different.

But does it deal health damage first then armor or both at the same time?

It would be irrelevant in this instance. If it hits armor first, the armor would be lost regardless if the target had barrier, because armor loss and barrier do not interact, and then life damage would hit the barrier, thus only armor is reduced. If it hit life first, the life damage would hit and remove barrier, then armor would be reduced, thus only armor is reduced.

Someone just said in global chat he catched shoctopus on pc, anyone can confirm it’s really out?

So still good for a common troop to be able to do some damage through a barrier, but not quite as good as I hoped.

Thanks for the reply

We’re aware of the issues with Tesla disappearing and the hourly downloads and are investigating it. We’ll let you guys know when we know more.

Yay, those troops were so overpowered they really needed a counter… :grin:

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