Only 3 kingdoms with mythstone bonus

Platform, device version and operating system: Android, Samsung Galaxy S24

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What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
There should always be 4 kingdoms with bonus mythstones at any given time. Right now, only Pan’s Vale, Zhul’kari, and Suncrest have it in my game.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
This is the first I’ve noticed it, although I’m sure it’s happened before without me noticing.

Steps to make it happen again
I suspect that Sin of Maraj is the final kingdom, but the mythstone bonus is “stuck under” Underspire currently. Most likely a dev could confirm this for us. My invite code is CAPTAINBUCKLES_448M, in case it helps.

Just wanted to update this post to confirm that Sin of Maraj was the “hidden” fourth kingdom with mythstone bonus, inaccessible due to Underspire. I suspect that this bug has existed since Underspire was created, but this is the first I’ve noticed/confirmed it.

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