Old troops rework suggestion

I so disagree there.
The fact that his trait idea is available on Plague is absolutely no reason to remove it from Moloch:

  • You don’t necessarily have Plague
  • It’s a hell of a lot more work to third-trait a mythic compared to a legendary.
    I’m very glad to have Moloch and have it third-traited (it was probably within the first five legendaries I third-traited), because now I can make an endless loop team that wins without giving up a turn once it gets going.
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Moloch is the first legendary I traited too. But having plagues trait and new kingdoms legendary trait in play makes moloch fall hard behind those 2 options.

I see Shegra in lots of teams, so it’s not weak at all. I use it all the time, but I only unlocked the first trait lol

They can. (I think; I can’t tell what would happen if the two factors scaled differently, but the data model seems to suggest that Magic scaling can affect different spell steps differently.)

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Not in any way I mentioned shegra is bad. Her legendary trait is bad. She would be used with or without it. my suggestion wouldnt make it much stronger buy still better all in all :wink:

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Ugh. Just when I thought that I had finally figured it out, one single dynamic formula of which the result can be assigned to any spell component, there’s new input to consider. On the bright side, it’s nice to see that there are still things to learn about the game, even after playing it a long time. :relaxed:

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