(old thread) The Black Pearl (closed)

Sorry, the spot has already filled up - the steam thread has a priority (unfortunately can’t access this forum from my job place)
If you want I can reserve the next free spot for you, but I have no idea how long it’ll take until we get it.

And to answer the question:

we have a spreadsheet with all keys earned/gold contributed updated daily, members have to watch it regularly to avoid getting in debt. Unless they contribute really a lot, then they can just ignore it :smiley:

Thanks, I would like it if you did reserve a spot for me - I will use the time to level more Kingdoms
However only reserve me a spot if you would be able to PM me before sending invite, as given the unknown time frame I would like to join a guild while I wait.
Let me know
Many thanks

One spot apparently available.

we don’t have free spots at the moment

Hi, kinda active lv 305 looking to join active guild. Im tired of beeing work horse in my guild - my weekly contribution is usually around 100-120 trophies. If You get any opening - send me a note - Kaczanek

We have one free spot

Hello! I am very interested.

I am LV 409 wearing Deathknight Armor
22 Cities lv 10 (Two of them : 3 stars with more on the way)
I do 4 arena runs a day so I get 280 Trophies a week, that’s minimum. (Average about 350)
No problem with spending 20k a day

Invite Code : DOLBET


no more spots left

We have one free spot

I’m looking for an active guild too !

My ign: linogwada

Invite sent

Do you have more spots? Looking for active guild and i like your requirements. IF you have spot my ign Porei

invite sent

Are there any slots currently open?
Invite Code: POXX

no more free spots left

Gah! Good luck then everyone!

My invite code : TSUNAKUN 1. @Venan Please invite me. I promised to provided 200k+ and 200+ trophies per week.

We have one free spot

1 Like

Replied in steam, would love to join!!!

@Venan invite me.