Prior to heroes being power scaled back into the meta, it was mostly a player issue, with the stipulation that you’d also need a certain amount of weapons sometime in the far distant future or you’d be bottlenecked from a power star on a kingdom here or there. As of now, this is not just a “collectors” issue but also an issue with any newer players coming into the game and more casual players that you many want to convert - some of these weapons are extremely powerful tools that drive certain strategies.
When I’m showing off a certain build, and someone asks me how to get x troop, I can give them a direct answer, even if part of it is “you have to wait until x”. When someone asks about a weapon I’m showing off in a certain build, I have to begin with “well… you can’t, really”. The more powerful or useful of a tool this is, the worse. Top offenders are things like Doomed Blade, Trickster’s Shot, Earth’s Fury, and Divine Protector, with many other slightly less worse offenders such as (insert anything here that can board mod or destroy armor + scale), with only of these types of weapons ever making its way into even the cash shop being Divine Protector.
As for them being cash shop only in the future when they do, I feel this crosses the very fine line between “selling an acceleration to something that can make you powerful” and “selling power”. The inflated soulforge crafting costs for these weapons (the Doomed weapons in particular) should already be more than enough incentive to sink the gems to get them from the gem sink event shop when they are first available, as the event shop is by far the path of least resistance here.
I feel the best way to balance both of these is to make the old event weapons have multiple different packs sold seperate from the legacy (super old) weapons, with the event weapons pack possibly including some ingots, then having a soulforge rotation of all previous weapons. Yeah, that would probably mean artificially inflated prices for the actually useful weapons and not the $5 we saw divine protector for exactly one time, but a standard hasn’t exactly been established here for these types of weapons. It is imperative for this to work for all parties that the cash shop occasionally just be the quicker way to obtain said item, but said item be actually “available” (like, on a measurable time scale, not “maybe 6+ months from now, if you are lucky”). As it stands, these weapons at their current soulforge costs are fairly pretty resource intensive to craft such that it is not feasible for a player that needed many of them to be able to craft more than one a week at their current costs (after building up a buffer of Jewels to actually be able to afford the 400 jewel cost for two different colors) let alone the Doomed weapons with their 800 diamond/2000 jewel cost (plus souls and celestials). I could easily see some of the better weapons selling for $10-15 bundled with ingots to upgrade them and also being (more or less) accepted by the community at large so long as there is an actual in-game path to obtain them.
I just don’t think having a portion of the playerbase cut off from so many powerful options is healthy for the game, not for the legacy “haves”, not for newer/casual “have nots”, and not for the devs that have to manage this widening gap.