Official Mean Machine / Angry Sprockets Guild Chat (All Friends Welcome)

I completed 40 pvp battles and I think about 10 explores today, had no issues.

Must just be my end… I switched to mobile and its running fine.

Thanks got a response from nim saying theirs nothing they can do about it this week and the will be lowering the cost of tasks for next week

That’s good, but not fair. You gold DID count for tasks, as I mentioned =p

Wait they are planning to drop the costs of each task? If that’s the case we’ll be hitting legendaries in no time… but of course the backspin on that is that the more hardcore guild will be doing 2x more

There aren’t many more hardcore guilds compared to us :stuck_out_tongue:
And yeah all guild tasks will be lowered :slight_smile:

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Any word on how much they will be lowered?
Am I excited by this…
And, to steal a phrase from @Samual, “cautiously optimistic…” :wink:

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@MakoSipper Thanks for adding teams to the compendium, I will update it sometime today. And thanks for the HOW TO PLAY addition! :wink:

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I suspect they will be lowering the cost of tasks only by the amount we lost, and this will only apply to guilds which experienced this issue?

The mechanism for this is already in place; @Sirrian implemented it to mitigate the illicit income generated for a guild by bots. In that previous scenario, the cost of guild tasks was raised by the added amount of gold.

the lowered costs should only apply to the guild tasks, not the legendary tasks. and I expect it will apply to everyone since it’s a pain to work out who deserves what, but that’s only my humble opinion.

so i think it will make no difference if you spend now or save up, though no harm in saving up either. maybe we get a christmas bonus and legendaries only cost 500k for a week?

@sirrian please make our wish come through.

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We’re absolutely crushing it this week. Great work everybody. We’ve done it, we did the deed.
So it gave me an idea…

It’s time to get absolutely silly.

And finally the reward for your hard work. The cutest cat.


Two weeks with higher reqs, two weeks with ALL TASKS complete…





Just thought I would drop a thank you on @ogunther for the 6 “Snotstones” I got from his defense team! :wink:


Haha! Nice. Glad to be of service. :slight_smile:


Mab,mab or mab…hmmmmmm. which one do I choose lol(and while revenge is best look at the level…not gonna happen lol)

I’d suggest taking the Mab option? :smirk:


Merry Xmas all Mean Machine members!


Thanks verdugo, same to you!

And merry Christmas/Hanukkah/few days off work/few days off school/working as usual to all my guildmaster too!


Hey all. And happy holidays.
I need a team for pvp slaying with TDS.
Currently was thinking of using
Sylva Shadow Dragon with TDS but I dnt have Celes.