Official Mean Machine / Angry Sprockets Guild Chat (All Friends Welcome)

I knew you couldn’t stay gone forever! :wink:

Those other guilds not what you were looking for, huh?


For a time, Black Dragon worked for me. I wanted to play more hardcore back then, but now I’ve felt the pressured and decided it was time to still play hard, but not enough to feel like a burden to me. And I was lucky to find MM again! =)

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If I said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times, MM has the BEST balance between Hardcore and tolerance you are gonna find. :wink:

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Oh and FYI, Mako coming back…
Broke the Internet!

For me at least. I typed in the in -game Guild Chat, and then everything froze up on my laptop. Had to do a hard reboot and bring everything back up to get this hinged brick running again! :wink:

That’s called Mako poisoning! =)

lol, speaking of…

Are you enjoying FFXV yet?

The last one I played was XII… On my PS2…

That was the last one I played too, I really enjoyed it but never beat it, cause my PS2 got stolen.
@Samual and I gave FFXIV a decent run and it is very good, but an MMO does not have the complete FF feel.
I will say this… FFXV is really holding up for me. It is everything I am wanting it to be. Very impressed so far.

I skipped FFXI for that reason and I’ll skip FFXIV as well. But I intended on playing XIII and XV someday =p

First legendary task down, results are:
3 event keys, 6 arcane stealth traitstones and 10 glory keys.


Too bad not spirit :joy:

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Welcome back Mako!!! The team is complete.


Hey Meanies! Come join us in the Top 30 already, won’tcha? They have cake.


We decided to give you a little room, but when you least expect it we’ll be there. Watching you.




Fuk yeah we are going mems style!
And @ogunther I prefer eating the competition then the cakes :stuck_out_tongue:


Legendary task no2:
25 glory keys, 100 glory, 2 event keys :slight_smile:

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We did 3 last week; 2 were decent and the last one sucked. I think we’ll do another 3-4 this week. Hopefully that ratio keeps up :wink: