I knew you couldn’t stay gone forever!
Those other guilds not what you were looking for, huh?
I knew you couldn’t stay gone forever!
Those other guilds not what you were looking for, huh?
For a time, Black Dragon worked for me. I wanted to play more hardcore back then, but now I’ve felt the pressured and decided it was time to still play hard, but not enough to feel like a burden to me. And I was lucky to find MM again! =)
If I said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times, MM has the BEST balance between Hardcore and tolerance you are gonna find.
Oh and FYI, Mako coming back…
Broke the Internet!
For me at least. I typed in the in -game Guild Chat, and then everything froze up on my laptop. Had to do a hard reboot and bring everything back up to get this hinged brick running again!
That’s called Mako poisoning! =)
lol, speaking of…
Are you enjoying FFXV yet?
The last one I played was XII… On my PS2…
That was the last one I played too, I really enjoyed it but never beat it, cause my PS2 got stolen.
@Samual and I gave FFXIV a decent run and it is very good, but an MMO does not have the complete FF feel.
I will say this… FFXV is really holding up for me. It is everything I am wanting it to be. Very impressed so far.
I skipped FFXI for that reason and I’ll skip FFXIV as well. But I intended on playing XIII and XV someday =p
First legendary task down, results are:
3 event keys, 6 arcane stealth traitstones and 10 glory keys.
Too bad not spirit
Welcome back Mako!!! The team is complete.
Hey Meanies! Come join us in the Top 30 already, won’tcha? They have cake.
We decided to give you a little room, but when you least expect it we’ll be there. Watching you.
Fuk yeah we are going mems style!
And @ogunther I prefer eating the competition then the cakes
Legendary task no2:
25 glory keys, 100 glory, 2 event keys
We did 3 last week; 2 were decent and the last one sucked. I think we’ll do another 3-4 this week. Hopefully that ratio keeps up