🔆 Ocean's 30 are looking for you! moderate and friendly [eng/ger] [30/30]

sent. Welcome! :grin:

now we have some spots free. join us and become a part of an democratic and fair guild ^.^

bump for you :slight_smile: 3 spots want to be filled. help to become a full house again.

now there are only 2 spots available.

bump 2 seats free

1 hot spot available :sweat_smile:

we need one more active player . join us my friend

so its full again. :slight_smile:

now we have a spot/seat available. come to our nice fighting team!

evening bump.

New player on everyday. Hopefully will be able to help each other out if there’s space available. ANCALAGON_UZGO

good morning. yes we have 1 spot. leave your old guild and than i invite you again.

now its full again thx

I apologize this was sent to my spam folder for some reason so was unaware
of your reply

Hallo, ich mag gems of war sehr. Ich logge mich regelmäßig ein (ein bis zwei mal pro Tag) und kann in der Woche 150k Gold spenden. Siegel und Trophäen werde ich meistens um die null beisteuern. Besteht trotzdem interesse, dass ich mich Eurer Gilde anschließe?

Grüße Adisto

now we have 1-2 seats open :smiley: become an Ocean’s / es sind wieder 1-2 Plätze verfügbar. werde ein Ocean’s!

Push for you :slight_smile:

morning bump

we are waiting for you !

only one seat open anymore :ok_hand: