[NOT A BUG] Would of Been an Imperial Deed Offer but Game breaks itself weekly 🤷

The pet has to be what’s keeping you from progressing in terms of being offered in regards to Kingdom stars.

Yep that 's what I have on most of my kingdoms or a requirement not achievable yet. I also have 3 kingdoms with a single base Legendary still unascended yet.

The fact that the message also doesn’t say the classic “Help [kingdom] towards Power level x” when I clearly still have kingdoms requiring pets is what made me think this wasn’t normal (hell I got a couple of Swampie offers over the last 7 days and I still need copies for him at least)

Since the arena update , the pet offer does not always show. They basically made the pet offers rarer, so people will do arena for those offers. I also should of got a pet offer today for a zul’kari pet, but got a medal.

it never showed up always. i’ve been getting different offers for 2nd slot, even though most of my kingdoms are stuck @lvl pet to 20.

Sometimes it was class exp (if had underleveled hero class for a kingdom)
Other times there were troops i didn’t have ascended to mythic.
And sometimes it was useless crap i didn’t need at all.

My guess would be: it all depends which kingdom is rolled to give an offer - if for whatever reason you’re only missing troops which aren’t possible to collect, you get a random 1st slot offer on 2nd slot…

I use to always get a pet offer when i needed one for a kingdom upgrade before the update. Now I’m lucky to get one every 2 or so days. Something definitely changed.

As this is not a bug I have moved it to the feedback section of the forums.

Please feel free to continue this discussion. I have passed on some feedback, but currently this is working as intended.

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What’s “this” exactly?

Because the thread had an actual bug reported that evolved into overall feedback.

But the feedback shouldn’t be confused with what the actual bug here is.

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The system itself “works” as the developers programmed, even if its logically flawed to any player that sees it.


To be fair. This is what causes the communication issues.
I’m asking for clarification of what they think is the intended behavior. And instead they get another player who knows just as much as I do… Thoughts instead.

I am of the mind that Salty saw all the feedback about offers. And didn’t see the actual bug caused by kingdom progression in regards to some of the offers. Just as @Kafka was originally confused but then said…

But since Kafka didn’t update the title. @Saltypatra wasn’t aware that the issue was under investigation or reported.

So now I’m having to be the go between… because communication issues don’t just exist between players and devs. But possibly between co-workers working from home as well.

All the OP was reporting was the issue with Mist of Scales offers. Which are/were 100% a bug… Just because the comments that followed aren’t a bug doesn’t make the actual OP not a bug.
I can see how that’s confusing though. Which is why the forums shouldn’t be the place where bugs are reported.


To clarify Kafka has spoken to the devs, and I’ve also passed on feedback. The rest of this thread is talking about a system that is working as intended. I’m surprised I had to break it down further, but I hope this helps.

To keep things clearer I recommend starting a new thread regarding feedback, and I’ll lock this one in a day or so.

:worried: :confused:


This is exactly why folks don’t waste their reporting bugs or issues with the game.
You get attitude back when you feel like the issue isn’t being understood properly.

It’s a joke.


While newer players may not yet see the patterns, and thus still have a hopeful perception of how things may be, the above quote is surely no longer surprising to most of those who are familiar with this company’s professionalism.

Pity that the thread will be locked by the whims of those with the authority to do so, even if the OP didn’t request for said locking nor are there any apparent breaches: rather illustrative though, once again.
:relaxed: :vulcan_salute:

This seems to me like making a mountain out of a molehill situation. Yes, if you haven’t medalled 5 troops the game thinks offering troops will help. It’s stupid I know but the solution is simple. There’s no reason NOT to medal 5 troops. It has to be done eventually anyway. You’re not wasting resources or anything.


Since this is GW week, and this thread may be locked soon anyway, and the game ain’t Gems of Friends, it’s Gems of War…

We get attitude back regardless.

For example: Perhaps the title should have been “Should have been an Imperial Deed Offer because that is the only resource I don’t have and I’m the whale that continues to spend money on this game so give me what I want, don’t nobody else comment in here because I only want to associate with devs”…

But I suppose the OP Title works almost as well. (Watch how much attitude I get back for that).

Other than not having enough medals to medal 5 troops…but I get your meaning. If this is the reason players are offered extra troops, and not because the devs are out to persecute the whales that pay their paycheck, the devs should have stated so.

I thought that Bug Reportings were marked [Reported] when reported, so that the community doesn’t rip itself apart trying to determine what is going on in the land down under. Do you all have enough vegemite sammiches?

Instead, this get’s labelled “Not a Bug”, and thoughtful, helpful people like Idle gets rebuked with comments such as:

And while I appreciate everything Mr. Ryan does for the betterment of our community, it is often difficult to know when his topics are open for others to reply, when they are just him blowing off steam, and when they are merely intended to be a discussion between himself and the devs.

Did I push enough buttons to get this locked now?

Anyway, good luck in GW everyone. And always have fun. [Resolved]

NB: I bumped an old Bug that was resolved…thanks for everything, everyone. Stay frosty, there be Raiders out and about.


Lol, this was a fantastic paragraph. Maybe we need a new forum feature that allows us to mark posts with bracketed responses like [sarcastic], [rhetorical], [butthurt], or [venting].


The player doesn’t have the resources to medal the troops being one. The bug doesn’t care.


Who is ‘the player’ you’re referring to?

You? Then move you’re habits and acquire 5 medals of gaard, it shouldn’t be too hard.

Mid-game players who actually (or maybe) need those troops?

Or every other player who has MoS at 21*, they probably have the means to upgrade 5 troops to bronze.
Or maybe only the two who liked your message and yourself.

This is a current workaround to circumvent the issue at hand to get troops like those offered.

As far as I read between the lines, Salty and Kafka made it clear to forward it to the devs, but have you seen any of your complaints fixed by the day you demand so?

If you incline to do their job better than they do, apply for one, if you only want to reply to (in your case) ‘broken game code’ than tell them how to fix it, and if you’re here to complain all the time.
I’d rather refer to the message you sent to me over discord in which you stated to provide 100% information (whether it being correct or not).

Okay guy I think just Direct messaged me assuming I read this comment and then his DM. Since you have a lot of assumptions. Let me clear them up for you.

I didn’t have a Gaard medal to waste. I actually had to waste an Orpheus medal to circumvent the bug. With all the extra content being added and my life becoming busier, I have less and less time to invest in farming explore. But “I” was actually answering the question proposed by Fleg. Yes a work around exists. That doesn’t mean the bug doesn’t exist and doesn’t need to be fixed.

If they are at that level then the game should know that they don’t need those troops. This shouldn’t even be a point of intellectual debate.

Being right or wrong shouldn’t be decided by popularity. Are you 16 in real life? Why is that even being being brought up.

:+1:. We’re aware of it before you championed it.

I’m glad that was clear to you. You know how it got clear to you? Oh…by me asking them for both individually for further clarification. So you’re welcome.

I apologise that you felt sympathy pain for the devs. If you feel like I complain too much, then perhaps there should be less cause for me to complain.
Like idk…better coding. There’s no excuse for this bug other than unfinished work that someone pushed off and never got to. But hey that’s just a theory on my end. Because no one knows outside of the company.
The sad fact is, whoever franked this up… My complaints will probably be the only negative reaction the person receives due to the error. And yes, people should be accountable for their mistakes.
So if I’m annoyed by a bug… Then I have to right as a paying customer to voice my annoyance. This is literally the platform to do so. If my complaints about the game upset you then you’re barking up the wrong tree pal.

You’re 100% a stranger to me. Who almost 2 months ago tried to offer some unsolicited advice to me. I then took 10-20 minutes (that I could of been Farming explore) to answer your DM respectively and honestly. So if you’re trying to throw that DM in my face right now then you can truly frank off man.
Care as much about your fellow player as you care about your precious developers. They matter just as much to the game having success.

Not trying to ruffle feathers, but I thought I had been clear.

I’m going to lock this thread as it has been thoroughly detailed. Please feel free to start another thread to discuss the pertinent points raised and feedback brought up earlier.

Please be kind to yourselves and each other.

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