[Not a bug] Voting and Citadel War happening at the same time

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PC, Win 11
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Voting according to the patch notes is only on Sundays.
Citadel Wars are every day EXCEPT Sunday and Wednesday (pet rescue day).

There should only be voting for those in the Dark Order and no citadel wars today.
Please note that there was no voting available earlier today (bug) and this just appeared now.


why isn’t voting done in a 24 hr period of time, many players including myself dont get to vote b/c time of vote is done in short amount of time. there are players across the whole world in different time zones and b/c of real life they are not online at same time. so voting should be a set day in the week but a 24 hr, span


That is indeed how it is supposed to work, per the release notes:

  • On Daily Reset every Sunday, if an Alliance owns a Citadel, they will be able to vote for restrictions and Heroic Gems to randomly drop in that Region for the next week.
  • Citadel Voting lasts for 24 hours

but the scheduling has been all kinds of messed up for the past week.


Stuffs borked, yo.

Just hold tight, I’m sure they are working on it.

I’m laughin though cause I’m not in the party that votes.

Hello, :slight_smile:

Please note that in this particular instance it is not a bug.

I believe because of the CLIFFY Errors that occurred the voting was pushed to 3/6/2024.

Thank you for your patience, and understanding in this issue.