[Not a bug] Valhawk bypass gnome-a-palooza

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What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:

I was expecting to get 4 gnomes and Valhawk replaced one of them.
According to some patch notes this should not happen.

I had not encountered the 3 for the day yet. That counts for Hawk number 2.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?

Steps to make it happen again
Craft gnome-a-palooza. Go to pvp.
Having valhawks to encounter.



Please note that this is not a bug and after checking with the development team, your particular scenario is entirely possible.


Yeah. I actually checked again the patch notes from monoliths update and didn’t find anything saying that could not happen.

That seems to be a strange decision, though, given that a Gnome-a-Palooza is the shortest time-limited type of event in the game, and doesn’t its activation suppress certain other encounters from happening (like Kingdom Battlecrashers) ?

On the other hand, for sigil-based events … actually I don’t know how GAP interacts with those at all (i.e: the appearance of Valravens).

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There’s no sigil based event that gnomes can spawn in to my knowledge so a GaP won’t be useful. So this was likely just overlooked entirely and the #workingasintended tag slapped on it