[Not A Bug] Sky Scorpion summoned but already used

While playing Journey I used the weapon Emerald Baton that summons Drifting Sands troops. It summoned a Sky Scorpion to the top position. I used it, then it died. Again I used the weapon, again I got a Sky Scorpion but the mana icon showed it had been used. I think that’s bug. I think if I get a new troop it should be useable a second time.


That’s normal, One Cast Only means once per battle, not once per troop.

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Correct. If you recall (I think) the kingdom quest for Stormheim, there was one battle vs. 4x Dwarven Slayers. Which sounds incredibly dangerous until you realize that once any of them spellcasts, none of the rest can because the spell itself is limited to one cast per battle.

I call it a bug. I did not pick this troop, it was randomly summoned. It’s unfair if it happens to be randomly summoned again and I can’t use it. Take it off the list of summoning possibilities, in that case.

To the contrary, whether or not the troop is useful is precisely the risk you pay when summoning (or transforming) random Troops. If nothing else, it places a meat shield in front of your summoner to soak up Skull damage.

Hello :slight_smile:

This is not a bug.

As @Stratelier has mentioned, the Weapon’s spell summons a random troop from the entire pool of the Drifting Sands. (Which means it can pull a troop that was previously used, as it is not excluded from the entire troop pool)

However, I can pass on your feedback to the development team for consideration. :slight_smile:

Personally I’d love if you’d pass that feedback on. At the very least, I’d hope for the wording to be a little clearer.