[Not a bug] Obsidian Libram not in the soulforge in Hellcrag week

Platform, device version and operating system:
PC Steam

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What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
I expected the Obsidian Libram weapon to be forgeable during Hellcrag week, and it’s not

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Weekly reset

Steps to make it happen again
I don’t want this to happen again :sweat_smile:

It’s a FA weapon, it will be in the Soulforge on Tuesday only.


Ah, right! Thank you. :heart: Gets up to make some much needed coffee

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Faction Assault weapons unfortunately do not list the Faction they belong to (only the Kingdom of that Faction) but it is pretty standard that Faction weapons are only craftable during an active Faction Assault event.

I’m sure that was just an early morning brain fog.

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Hello :slight_smile:

As some other community members have briefly mentioned, this is not a bug.

The Obsidian Libram weapon will only appear in the Soulforge when an Obsidian Depths faction event is running!


Thank you. Yeah as Sylverscale said, Monday morning brain fog on my part. I didn’t see a way to delete the thread though, so I figured the question and the answer would help other players wondering the same thing. :sweat_smile: