[Not a bug] No gold mark

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Steam, windows 10
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What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
In PVP yesterday I played all the battles of the citadel and I found the 3 crows. Today I expected to find the gold marks, but they weren’t there. I have already restarted the game and tried to enter from android, but they are still not there.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Even last week, again on Tuesday, I didn’t find the gold marks

Steps to make it happen again
I don’t know how to reproduce the error, but I only play to get the gold marks, and since the other players have obtained them, I demand them too


Same here: Fey and Goblin regions don’t have Gold Marks an hour after reset and despite multiple restarts, even though Dark Order won the day yesterday.


You must earn second bottom rank (1500 VP) to get gold marks. Get 1500, restart, and gold marks should appear.

I almost posted a bug report myself when logged in and saw them missing.


Thanks buddy I did as you said, I reached 1500 and magically the gold marks appeared.
This thing needs to be fixed though because it’s going to change the way I play.
I think you should get some money directly from the manufacturer because you helped me more in a few minutes than all the moderators and programmers in the last seven years


I’ve found sometimes that the bonus for silver marks was on a kingdom the previous day and that stopped the gold mark bonus from showing.
This happened to me today - logged on at daily reset and went to Winters Reach to get the GM from yesterdays citadel war victory and it was showing bonus for silver marks.
I needed to do those 5 battles to get the gold mark bonus to show up. I then did those battles as well to get my gold marks from that kingdom.

Please report to the programmers that the gold marks do not appear unless you reach at least 1500 VP at the beginning of each week.
I don’t understand why you are ignoring this message.If it’s a rule, write it somewhere, but I’m convinced it’s a bug.
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It’s a rule and it’s hidden deep inside the patch notes of whichever patch it was that introduced Alliances.

The probably game should, however, clearly indicate this fact in big bold red block letters every time a new PvP season starts (or, maybe, somebody switches alliances) and players need to earn the privilege of gold marks once again.
I might be an abnormality because I read all of the patch notes and, after perplexing for a bit, this rule came back to my mind, but you cannot expect it from everybody. People won’t go back skimming through old posts, people will forget and in eleven weeks there will be a new bug report about missing gold marks.


It’s not each week - it’s just at the start of the Season. Once you hit 1500 VP you’re good the rest of the 11 weeks. Just make sure to win a Citadel Battle the day before or you don’t get them the day after (you prolly know that tho).

Also the reason they do that isn’t cuz of the VP but the 2 full days in Alliance req for Legionary VIII. They wanted to prevent Alliance hopping just for Gold Marks.

No, every week you have to score at least 1500 points, not only at the beginning of the season, if you don’t do them on Monday, on Tuesday of any week you don’t take the gold marks.

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Huh I believe you then I guess I never had less than 1500 on a Monday. Weird.

Hmm, from the 7.5 Patch Notes:

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If you don’t understand what we’re talking about, you better not write. There is a problem, but if bug advocates like you support the problems, we will never be able to solve it.

Now that I have put PvP in the meh pile compliments of Chest Rewards and Rank Reset, yesterday was the first time I didn’t win a citadel battle, and true enough today no gold mark regions…

…however, I was unable to find this fact in the patch notes or the help section in game.

Did I miss it?
:thinking: :vulcan_salute:

You didn’t forget anything even what I reported is a bug but unfortunately they pretend not to understand

Here is where it states you must be Legionary VII to be eligible to earn Gold Marks from Citadel Wars. Note that it only needs to be achieved once, not every week.

You are not alone - I also have yet to find any official info on needing to win a Citadel Battle the previous day (which I’m assuming to be “earned any Citadel Points” as the verifier) as an additional requirement. It is now confirmed tho thru both our personal experiences and community shared, such as several things unfortunately have been in this game.

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That information is wrong. The bug is that every Monday you have to make at least 1500 points, otherwise you don’t get the gold marks on Tuesday.
What I write is clear and simple.
It’s a bug.
I play a little to go down a league and I noticed this, unfortunately the people who manage the forum do not know the game and are not able to understand the complaints of the players.

All good - if you want to test it get less than 1500 VP this Monday and win a Citadel Battle. Then on Tuesday if you don’t have the GM bonus I’ll eat a hat. But you will have it so I know my hat is safe.

Although as soon as I post that I read the patch notes which have the eligibility as Legionary VIII so maybe my hat isn’t completely safe. Who knows with this game?

Anyway tell ya what I’ll do it “for science” - on Monday I’ll post pics of me having less than 1500 VP and winning my CBs and then we’ll see what happens on Tuesday. If I don’t have the GM bonus we have pics so they can fix, if I do have it maybe it’s only happening to certain players…


Ok Monday steps are done - Citadel Battles complete, staying under 1500 VP. Tune in tomorrow to see the results!

Tuesday update:

Gold Mark bonus available in both regions.