[Not a bug] Mydnight not getting the explore lantern

Forgot that underspire kingdoms are excluded from getting the lantern, would still be nice to get an additional lanter floating around, and a consideration for new kingdoms to NOT be the underspire on release week, especially considering the severe lack of troops.

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Screenshot or image:
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What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
I’ve done over 100 explore runs since mydnight was released and the lantern has yet to go to mydnight. I know in the past there were issues with the lantern going to an unreleased kingdom, so this is kind of the opposite of that issue. Most likely someone just hasn’t flipped the switch to allow the lantern to go there yet. It could just be rng being rng, but i feel more than 100 tries is enough to data to have it checked. While on the subject, with the addition of more and more kingdoms, it would be nice if we could have an additional lantern floating around the kingdoms. It has been 4 lanterns for a very long time and it should be about time for a 5th.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
100+ tries at what should be a 1/38 since mydnight came out.

Steps to make it happen again
complete many explore runs, watch the lantern NOT land on mydnight. If someone has had the lantern land on mydnight, then it just means i’ve been unlucky and would be nice to know.

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The lantern doesn’t go to the weekly underspire kingdom anymore.


ahh this is correct, forgot about that. Though there were issues with that in the past. Thanks for the reminder.

Honestly, they may want to re-think how the new kingdoms are featured in general though, what with underspire causing issues with the weapon offer as well. Might be a good idea to NOT have the new kingdom be the underspire kingdom the first week it is out.