[Not a bug] King Heliodor Unusable in Weekly Event

Platform, device version and operating system:
Samsung Galaxy Note 9

Screenshot or image:
Gems of War

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Tried to add King Heliodor to my team. Could not find him in the list of available units.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
I have only started trying to use King Heliodor after the Tuesday night update.

Steps to make it happen again
Filtering by type, kingdom, or searching by name didn’t list him as an option.
Fireborn Paladin with the same colors, type, and kingdom, is an option. Tried restarting the game, then restarted the device, with no difference.

Troop role is your solution.
Eligible roles for the event: warrior and generator

King Heliodor is warmaster.


I completely forgot about that and didn’t see it when looking at limitations. Thank you.