@Kafka since the announcement of 8.3 update not dropping for iOS, it is now preventing me from opening the game on iPhone.
If you have played on Steam, on the newer version, you will be locked out on mobile as the update is not available.
…hang on, have you played on Steam yet? Sorry I jumped ahead to replying and then processed what I read
The reason I jumped onto Steam is that the hourly tribute was no longer processing on iOS. < — this can be your bug.
So, if you’re on iOS, and choose not to log onto Steam, then you lose ~30 gems per hour of tribute.
Ah just wanted to check you had also played on Steam, then yes, this isn’t a bug.
We are still waiting for an update on when the update will be available on iOS
You did read what I wrote, right? The reason I opened the game on Steam.
For iPhone only players, you should plan to compensate 30gems/hr for every player until the new version is on iOS.