[Not a bug] Incorrect threshold for Tower of Doom stage 8

Previous reward 12 clear requirement: 700 dooms. 23.3 per player in a 30 person guild. Avg floor clear required: floor ~17 with optimal scouting with most members + 1 more boss for a third of the members (unless the luck scroll is on floor 17, in which case floor 17 for everyone). (3 guaranteed luck scrolls by floor 16 + 17 bosses = 23 dooms, so at most a third of the members need to clear 18).

Reward 12 clear requirement now: 1320 dooms. 44 each in a 30 person guild. Luck scrolls score does not get doubled by using the event weapon. Avg floor clear required: 18 or 19 while using the event weapon the entire time. After floor 17, you’ll have at most 42 dooms (17 * 2 from bosses, 3 guaranteed luck scrolls and 1 possible luck scroll for + 8 = 42) , and that is if you hit the edge case where your luck scroll is on floor 17. Floor 18 is required for the entire guild even with above average luck scroll placement (a luck scroll on floor 18 still requires the floor 18 boss, by everyone, on average). A floor 19 partial clear is required if the luck scroll is on floor 19, and floor 19 boss is required as the average if the luck scroll for this block is on floor 20 (below avg luck).

Functionally, the overall average requirements (for reward stage 12) is about 10% higher.

I know many of the hardcore here are going to clear 25 floors regardless, but considering how much more difficult (and time consuming) the event is now, is the amount of battles needed to clear a previously existing reward tier being increased really intended?