[Not a bug] Gnomeapalooza : I never get verse 1(white)

Dell Computer: I am 150% VIP, 7 yrs playing, I now (last 2 yrs, 6 paloozas) only rarely get all 4 verses for Gnomeapalooza. even if I earn more than 1 of a color verse, only 1 in inventory. White one (#1) is the rarest & even if I earn 1, it often does not register. nobody else in my guild has this problem & they rack up HUGE rewards while I cannot play.

Join the club, I’m personally bottlenecked by verse #3 (Hoagi), vs. having 4-6 of the other three.

(It used to be a tossup with verse #2 until I apparently had a run on Cindi appearances and/or Verse 2 offers.)

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Verse one is what I’m struggling to find, too.

There seems to be a four month rotation on what verse becomes the rarity, because first I struggled for verse four, then two, and now one.

Sadly, this isn’t a bug, but it is unconscionable that they still haven’t changed it to be less annoying.

So here’s who hoarding all my Verse 2…

Seriously, I have half of Verse 2 than any other of the four since the beginning. You’d think random distribution would level itself, but no.

I’d swap if they’d let us! :rofl:

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i never get verse 1. in last 2 yrs I have been able to play gnomeapalooza only 6 times!!! my guildmembers can cash in on 60 in one wkend. something is WRONG. ditto the Cliffy game-crash current problem–Hacked??

So glad I am not only one denied gnomeapalooza!!! would be great if STEAM could fix that ad the stupid Cliffy game crash that started 3 days ago.

Join that club, too. In my experience I’m generally fortunate enough to encounter my missing verse (by offer or Gnome) before the next Gnome Weekend . . . but this past weekend was not one of them. I defeated just enough Gnomes for +1 Vault Key, but that was all.