[Not a Bug] Decay gems don't work as said

Platform, device version and operating system:

The way I understand how decay gems should work is that the team with the most troops still left should lose armor at the beginning of the turn, right?

Well I noticed that isn’t how it works at all!!
This is what happened:
3 decay gems on the board after I fired Corrupted Crystalem.
I lost a troop of my team in Raid so I had 3 troops left, the raid team still had 4 troops so according to the description the aid team should have lost some amor however that wasn’t what happened.
My troops kept loosing armor while the raid team didn’t!!!
This didn’t happen only once but several times!!!

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Decay gem on board with equal teams

Both teams lose armor

Player teams goes a troop down

and only enemy teams keeps losing armor form decay gems (player loses 3 armor from being burned).

Similar story in explore

Well, unless you do at least a little part of your job and come up with some real footage and not just words when filing a bug report…


First: what you say what is happening isn’t what I see. I keep loosing armor even with a troop short.
Second: I PLAY this game so it isn’t “a job” for me!

Please post screenshots (or video if you can get it). This is the kind of thing we need to actually SEE to properly analyze, because text descriptions don’t always describe ALL relevant details. For example, what was the SPECIFIC team composition on both sides?

Another “gotcha” with this new Gem type (not related to this report, but keep it in mind nonetheless) is that these Gems count turns the same way Gem Storms do – e.g. if there are 2 Decay Gems on the board and yours is the larger team you will lose 4 Armor per each of your turns because it counts your opponent’s turns too.

Update: I’ve caught some of my own footage (Switch) and it is consistent with Dust_Angel’s examples, aka. working correctly / “Not a Bug”:

The setup

My team:

  • Corrupted Crystalem (Epic, Lv.18, full traits)
  • Arcanus
  • Lord Ehrondil
  • Prismatic Orb (Archmagus)

CPU team:

  • Fire Giant
  • Flame Troll
  • Twisted Hero
  • Burning Ctharrasque

What happened:

  1. Ctharrasque somehow got the first cast, killed my hero and set everybody else on fire.
  2. On my next turn, my Medals of Orpheus cleansed Arcanus and I cast Crystalem on the boss, which didn’t quite kill it at this level but created 3 Decaying Gems.
  3. The team lineup at this point is 3 to 4, and while two of my Troops did lose 3 Armor (from the Burns), Arcanus did not.

So . . . yeah, at this point it’s “your word” vs. actual screenshots/video to the contrary. If something weird DID happen, cool, but we need the screenshots/video to check for proof.


As I already said in earlier topics I don’t know how to make a video and second everything happens to fast to make a screenshot.
Also it’s a pity to see how players are handled and talked to these days …
When I first came into this game 10 years ago (yes I’m one of the “old” gang) and made a remark about it I was spoken to as being an intelligent man and not as an idiot like it happens these days …
No wonder many of those “old timers” quit the game …

Have you at least asked/researched how to do it for your platform?

You say you are running on PC (via Steam). Steam has a built-in screenshot key (F12 by default … I think) and I know it works because I’ve used it in other games. Video recording may also be possible, but . . . I don’t know how to set that up either (and never tried).

If you’re trying to take screenshots of something fast in this game, it can be helpful to (temporarily) slow down the speed of the game to 1x or even 0.5x to catch the things you’re looking for.

To record gameplay in Windows:
While playing GoW press ⊞ Win+ALT +R
Windows will begin recording your game.
Press :stop_button: to end recording.
Press ⊞ Win+G to view your video in the gallery.

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The game is turn based. So, you can take a screen shot, take a turn, then another screen shot? Unless you are saying that the battle is over before you can complete the turn cycle. In that case, you’d have to record a video. I am the last person on earth who could tell you how to do that properly, though. haha

Asking for visual aid to help figure out what is happening, is not an attack on you. It’s simply people who want to help, asking for the information needed, to provide that help. It’s like if you went to the Dr. and told them you think you broke your arm. They would want to have an xray to see what is going on.