[Not a bug] Death Tarot facing the wrong way

Platform, device version and operating system:
Android 11

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
That he will look me in the eye.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?

Steps to make it happen again
put death tarot on the enemy team, look at his horse’s butt

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She will kick you with her hind hooves like a normal horse :laughing:

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Is it working ass intended? :grimacing:


Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you for the screencaptures.

This is not a bug.
The tarot cards have a more ‘front facing’ style so occasionally they can look slightly backwards in comparison to a normal troop.

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The picture once selected is facing the correct direction, but on the screen where you can see all four, it is clearly facing the wrong direction. Perhaps he is just watching for attack from the rear…???

Pretty sure it is still a bug.

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The pictures literally show two different views. How can both be right?

Hello, :slight_smile:

As the cards you see on the right are just mirrored versions of the cards on the left, so if they already naturally face left, they’ll face away from the game board on the enemy team.

I can however pass on the feedback that the Death Tarot card looks strange in battle.


The Fool is the same. How come no one has questioned it?

Maybe because it’s thematically appropriate?

The Star is also technically facing left (though its design is far more symmetric).

Maybe because it is a useless troop, just like almost any other tarot troop, and nobody uses it.
I do not have the death tarot but I faced it in an AB fight and it looked strange.