[Not a bug] Citadel Wars error analysis

Platform, device version and operating system:

Error analysis:
Citadel Wars needs some kind of background job to activate events, e.g. for making citadels vulnerable, handing out sigils and enabling voting. There seem to be two instances of this background job running:

  • One started two weeks ago when update 7.5 released, roughly 7 hours before daily reset.
  • One started on weekly reset after updated 7.5 released.

These background jobs interfere with each other. They overwrite events, messing up the schedule. They may also be the reason why players are getting Cliffy errors, in some situations the game server doesn’t agree with the battle result sent by the client.

Disclaimer: Observation only, without knowing the backend architecture. It’s quite obvious that something is interfering regularly around 7 hours before daily reset. Please forward to whoever is supposed to be running the servers, this has been messed up long enough now.


You need to add actually the primary reason why it should be fixed:
Noone is able to buy Citadel sigils pack because no Citadels running!