As a beginner you need trait stones, troops, souls, gold, glory and gems in massive quantities.
By the way the Dragon Armor took me three months to get 500 gems and I want to show you how to get it in just a few days.
You need to do treasure hunt and for that you need treasure hunt maps.
As a beginner heres an easy way to get thousands of souls and gold and hundreds of glory and gems per week.
Team composition
War Hound.
Templar has resistance to skull damage as a 3rd trait and provides armor buffs(protection) to the entire team plus creates green gems for Tyri to use.
Tyri explodes brown blue gems to feed Templar and Yellow red to feed Valkyrie and War hound and green purple gems for maps.
Valkyri gets souls and changes brown to blue to feed Templar.
War Hound howls and reduces enemy attack to zero…cool! huh!
This lets you farm maps and souls.
But heres the map I use to get ten maps and sixty souls every time.
Forest of Thorns first challenge.
Enemy team is Dire Wolf, Forest Ranger?, Dryad and Green Seer.
Tactics are fire off Templar to buff team and kill dire wolf and the forest gaudian guy as soon as possible.
Fire off War Hound to reduce Dryads attack to zero and then farm, farm and farm those sweet maps and souls.
Then once you have ten maps and sixty souls kill Dryad and green seer and use your maps for on average 500 souls, 80 glory, 40 gems and a few gem -glory keys.
Do this all day to end the day with around two thousand souls, 500 glory and around a hundred gems or more!!
After five days go and buy the Dragon Armor for 500 gems and use the glory for troops in store rewards.
Then its back to farming the Forest of Thorns map to get even more resources.