NOBODY TELL THE DEVS! (Let them fix bad bugs first)

Only thing il say is, as a gamer that started on the
Atari 2600
Followed by the spectrum+2. Then the playstation one.
And ten other consoles till I got to Xbox one .

It’s the first time, the first game were the players are unpaid bets testers.

I mean no one gets a thanks for finding a bug, or a 50 gem gift.

Even tho this forum is full of beta testers.

Ino il get weird replies, I’m just saying the players are so looked down on by the game middleman it’s horrible.


GoW is an open beta, they just dont want to admit it


If you actually believe that devs would not react to a glut of a currency, with a nerf to said currency, I can’t help you.

Let me ask you this. If you discovered a bug that could be used to help players and wanted to share it with as many people as possible, but not let the devs know, and you knew that they were listening, how would you share it with others? Would you make a post saying “here’s how you get free stuff” and then watch the bug get fixed in hours? Or would you make a post all about something else, something the devs are gonna pay less attention to, and drop a hint in that post to lead players towards such a bug? Especially one that reminds players that if they want to use the bug they need to be quiet about it?

No, because telling “everybody” means telling the devs and that means the bug gets fixed. And probably only the part that gives free stuff not the other bug that they should already have fixed anyway, but didn’t.

That’s your opinion. If you can get to them EASILY, you have no problem beating them. But there’s bound to be people that struggle to get to them, and potentially lose one or more times against them. Are you really so sure no other player might be going up against battles that are too hard and managing to luck their way through a few, only to struggle against the next one?
And even if I accepted that, which I really don’t, even just making those battles quicker is beneficial. If, as you claim, you’re definitely going to win, what does it matter if you can win in 30 seconds instead of 2 minutes (or whatever)? But for some reason, that had to get fixed immediately, while other bugs still sit in the game because they get no attention.

Who? Mine? It’s not my job. And it’s not our job to tell the devs about bugs unless they’re rewarding us for it, so we only do it to try and make the game better for ourselves, meaning we should be prioritising the bugs that make it worse.


And if you believe that the reaction would be economy adjustments instead of obsoleting the currency and focusing on new ones, or that they have nerfed gold recently in reaction to high level players having huge quantities, then I can’t help you.


Tell you what. I’ve given you all a big clue, by saying that the glitch uses a bug that’s been reported and ignored by the devs, and I can’t say more than that, but how about this: why not share some of the bugs that have been reported before the beginning of November (when the sentinel bug was reported) that still haven’t been fixed because the devs don’t care enough to prioritise them. I’m won’t say which it is (sorry), but it’ll be a starting point for players.

For example, here’s one they still haven’t fixed, which it definitely isn’t: The troop Tal’rae should have the stalker trait, but instead got nerfed to have terror pact instead, even though it wasn’t on the patch notes and no troops were supposed to be nerfed. The devs still haven’t fixed this.

Feel free to add yours below:

Gold was never set up as a drip currency. Even still, there have been numerous gold nerfs.

Let me just stop you right there and tell you what.

I want YOU banned and anyone else that’s using a supposed glitch that outpaces the rest of us.

You don’t seem to understand here - if you wanna play this game, you follow the rules like the majority do. The rest get yeeted.

You don’t get to come on here and threaten people not to snitch, while taunting everyone else that isn’t in the know.

Get rekt.


Bit extreme that mate.

I understand what your saying.

But if using in game programming wrongly to gain an advantage is wrong in your opinion.

Then PvP defence teams were set up for PvP defence.
Not to practice guild wars teams against, imo this was being used against what it was out there for.

It’s just gaining an advantage, it’s not actually effecting you, and as we’re not beta testers.
It’s the Devs problem not ours.

Ps. I don’t know the glitch or any glitch.
I just think your reply sort of sounds jealous that you don’t know the glitch. And it’s not that players fault.

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Oh, you read it correctly. And yes, I agree it is the devs fault, as with everything else that has happened with this game.

However, the difference in this situation is that I see this m…f… come on here, threaten others that do know it not to say anything and acts like it’s a perfectly acceptable thing to do.

Compare that to something that happened with me a bit ago, where MY OWN GUILD gagged me from explaining an intricacy of Tower of Doom so that everyone would be on the same page. Apparently knowing how things work in the game is just privileged information now.

Yea, bit of a grudge here.


Like I said I get you.

But every advantage we get, gets put on here, and stopped by Devs within 12 hours.

We’re as real bugs, that mess with us , take months , years , never to get fixed.

So as far as I’m concerned, I hope every player finds an advantage, and doesn’t post on here, as even tho they never reply to any questions. There watching constantly. You can take that to the bank.

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Treasure Maps say “Hi!”

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And that’s just absurd. It’s not a cheat, it’s a glitch. Firstly, if the devs fixed their game like they’re supposed to, it wouldn’t even be a thing. Secondly, there’s no “rules” against a glitch, because it’s the game not behaving like it’s supposed to. Like right now, troops with terror can possibly run away even if they’re not the last troop, and that’s a glitch. If it happens to you while you’re playing a battle, should you be banned? What if it happens and causes you to win? Banned?

And let me just stop you there. Threats have consequences. Telling someone not to do something isn’t a threat, it’s a command at worst and a request at best (depending on the wording). If you’re unhappy because I came on here and COMMANDED people not to do something, that’s arguably fair enough, but there’s no need to mislead and claim I made a threat.

I gave a clue and said I can’t say more without it being taken away, probably without fixing the bad bug it’s based on, knowing the devs. I don’t think that’s taunting, but if you see it that way, that’s your opinion. It wasn’t my intention.

Well said. But also, it’s their fault for ignoring their beta testers (us) reporting back certain bugs and only fixing the ones they want to.

That sucks, and I understand why you’d be annoyed about that. Hope you find a solution. Genuinely.


I think the word you’re carefully tapdancing around here is “exploit”.


I need to read up in here tomorrow but just wanted to pop in to give an example of how this isn’t true:

We currently have a bug where gnomes drop their loot even if they run away.
This bug is in the backlog.

The bug we plan to fix first in the next 48 hours is the missing January monthly login reward calendar.

This is just one small example, but also the timing of these 2 things and how they’ve been prioritised was sort of perfect for this thread lol.

Just a rough guide to how bugs are prioritised and it’s certainly not as simple as this list but it goes something like:

  • Game blocking bug: some examples:
    • Swathes of players cannot access the game at all
    • Core game play feature completely blocked and unable to be accessed/used at all
    • Purchase issues affecting an entire platform (either cannot purchase or can purchase but rewards not received)
    • Server down
  • Feature not working as intended, but it is playable, but it’s going to either destroy the game economy or affect the company’s financials (we have to be able to pay our bills or we have no game)
  • Feature not working as intended, but it is playable
  • Bugs affecting gameplay but only small numbers of players, also still playable, just not as intended or frustrating
  • Visual issues, or other issues that don’t affect the game play

Ontop of ALL that and everything I haven’t mentioned because I can’t list everything off exactly off the top of my head on the fly:

There are bugs that require client fixes and bugs that require server fixes.

  • Server fixes mean that the team can edit a file and push the file out to the live game whenever the fix is ready
  • Client fix means we have to do an entirely new game build and submit it to all the stores the game is on (7 stores), and those stores will run their own tests and put the build through a submission process before we can then release the fix.

Ontop of all of that there is also effort vs impact:

  • How much time is required to fix the bug and how big of a difference is fixing the bug going to make to the game.
    • This does not apply to game blockers - game blockers must be fixed asap

So ie. Loot Gnome bug above vs calendar issue:

  • Loot Gnome bug involves checking the code and rewriting it, probably a client fix, we could hotfix it or wait until the next update
  • Calendar issue involves editing a couple of things in a tool, probably doesn’t involve additional coding, so we’ll try to have that fixed tomorrow

Lots and lots of thought goes into the development schedule and how things are prioritised, some things are quite out of our control as well such as when client fixes are required and the timing of those (not entirely, but to an extent).

Anyway, hopefully this was interesting to someone, we have a very small team and a very ambitious game (not excuses, just a fact I think is often forgotten when considering everything).

We release new content and events several times a week to like 5 different platforms (if we don’t count the different console versions) and have like 4+ updates per year (I didn’t go count don’t quote me lol) that we submit to 7 stores. Would it be great if there were less bugs? ABSOLUTELY. We want less bugs, we want to continue improving things to have fewer and fewer bugs. But as a CX team member who has worked on 10+ games over the years and for much larger teams with larger budgets and less hectic schedules than Gems of War, I am damn proud of this team for everything they achieve every week.

I get frustrated to, I’m your voice in house, I feel you, but I also get to see behind the scenes and all the crazy stuff the team manages to achieve every day and you can take my word for it or not, but it’s really something honestly.

Anyway, I’m not ever sure I’ve publicly said how proud I am of the team and everything they handle, because I’m usually so focused on investigating and reporting issues and getting on everyone’s backs about what the community is saying and feeling. I’m a bit of a party pooper in the office whenever I open my mouth honestly.

Also just as a disclaimer in case it doesn’t convey well in text:
I’m not feeling defensive or argumentative or anything like that while writing this post.
I’m feeling calm and just trying to provide some information/transparency and also share my view of it from the other side of the curtain, because I sit with a view from both sides. I should probably say all this to the team’s face so they get that I get it despite being on their backs all the time with complaints and bad news :sweat_smile:

2nd disclaimer: As mentioned I sit with a view of both sides of the curtain, I help communicate for the team to the community and from the community to the team and while I did just tell you how great the team do despite all the issues, I was literally this morning complaining to the team about ongoing, recurring and new issues. So I am balancing the comms here, it’s just I can’t really share everything that goes on internally.


Thanks for taking the time Kafka.
It was interesting to me :sunglasses:


i think most reasonable people understand how/why the devs prioritize fixing things, but it would be really nice if there was an update cycle solely dedicated to making some of the many changes players have asked for. It would do wonders for everyone’s goodwill if some simple QoL things were prioritized a little higher such as putting the pause screen back the way it was, or fixing the gold booster only working in PvP, or putting the GaP/booster timers in battle, etc. These are things that should be maybe an hour or two (ideally) for a dev to implement.

Mostly i think people get upset about things because we get stuff like the visual rework that literally made the game worse for many people (and brought with it other issues that affected everyone), instead of fixing things that have been complained about for months/years.

And PLEASE, can we get a way to target specific dragons, both gem AND cosmic, because this RNG is terrible and it was said that it was going to be looked at somewhere around a year ago at this point.


It’s admirable that the gnome bug, isn’t 1st to be fixed, as it’s giving us loot we shouldn’t have.

But it should be behind, every other bug listed and mentioned before this one.

Bugs should be fixed in order of notification surely.
Because if the gnome bug is fixed before, say for instance PvP lag , or lance knight popping up in PvP , or red block in middle of fight screen. And especially RNG of gem dragon eggs.

Then the point is still the same, you prioritised a thing that helped players, over things that hurt players.

Happy new year, still best game around, I just wish everyone that worked on the game was best around to :blush:

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@Kafka in your long post above you mention bugs fall into various buckets around fixing. Why not on the known issues section group issues into these buckets that way there ix more transparency over how quick/ likely a fix will be. Similarly rather than just reported on a forum post use a linked system of say Reported-1 equates to client side update which matches the known bugs. May not be workable straight off but could be used as a semi status update.

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@ Kafka, one of those “game breaking bugs” affected one of my guild mates with a cliffy error right after u guys left for the holidays. They were unable to complete any battles for 2 weeks and lost out on a vault weekend too.

No compensation was given.

Vault weekends r essential to gain resources to keep playing. Guild wars in bracket 1 tests how lucky, unlucky, or stubborn we r at the highest level. Participating in guild events gives us a chance to relax and have fun.

Arashi wasn’t able to do anything but wait.

The timing of this was terrible, but surely there is something u can do for them?


That must have taken a lot of thought and effort to write. Thanks for taking the time Kafka. I’m sure it’s overwhelming keeping up with everything.

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