No pet reward for completing delve

I just finished Mirrored Halls as I have been trying to win the pure faction for some time and didn’t want to do it all over again. Anyway, I beat it and did not get the pet reward.

Beating pure faction 500 in itself does not give a pet as these come from the cumulative delve score from level, hoard level, deathless and PF. If you check the score on that delve it will show the pets you should have which if you are at 2,500 is enough to mythic. If that doesn’t match you will likely need to take aise a support ticket. @kimber

Did you press the button/key to “Claim Rewards” for the floor after completing the run? One time I thought that it had happened to me I hadn’t claimed the rewards yet.

If you’ve claimed the rewards and verified that you’re at 2500 then open a ticket

Pet copies are mailed in the in-game mail - did you check your game mail? That in-game mail expires after a certain period of time, though.

You have to complete level 500 with no troops lost, with any team. I got caught that way once.

Yeah. Without further information (post a screenshot of your Faction Info if you can) we can only give generic advice, such as:

  • You earn up to 1,000 points for completing a Delve at all (2 x Level)
  • You earn up to 500 points for a deathless run with any team ( = Level)
  • You earn up to 500 points for any pure faction team run ( = Level)
  • You earn up to 500 points for upgrading your Faction Hoard to Lv.100 ( = 5 * Hoard Level).

You receive Faction Pets starting at a TOTAL of 2,000 points. This can be accomplished via a Lv.500 Delve with pure faction team AND no deaths (1000+500+500), or by a Lv.500 delve with a pure Faction Team OR deathless (1000+500), combined with a Lv.100 Hoard Level (+500).

I did that once. And opened a ticket. I was SO embarrassed.

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Thank you, and yes I had completed everything and my faction score is 2500. I did use the collect button at the end. How do I raise a support ticket?

Did you also check your mail box. I’m trying to remember if it goes there for the pet. If not here is the url for support ticket