No more extra turn on 4 gem matches

Make Wand of Stars a Central Spire weapon only.

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Iā€™m not sure I understand what this ā€œbig problemā€ is?

I donā€™t see anything wrong with the extra turn myself and most of my teams are configured to take advantage of it . Yh itā€™s annoying in PvP when the other team gets extra turns on repeat but thereā€™s a choice of three teams to play against so I usualky preview them and pick the one I think I can beat.

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The problem is cycling. Mostly in PvP indeed. Have had multiple times as well that with team preview all teams were Wand of Stars + Elementalist. So annoying cycling canā€™t really be avoided then.

Iā€™d much rather have a small banlist for Kingdoms outside of the Central Spire. Which at itā€™s most simple would be not allowing all 6 color troops and weapons to be used.

Though with this technically the Journy troops could potentially also be reverted back to what they were. Which is still an annoyance how they got nerfed into the ground which heavily impacted the Journey Event.


This, or make certain areaā€™s in PvP with a troop type ban list of boss troops or dragonā€™s or it on itā€™s own. Iā€™m not in wanting a nerf at all of this I just want a rather unique selection of fightā€™s more than anything as fighting same team provideā€™s no challenge after the first 5 times.

OT: I would go with the oppurtunity of 5 or more for extra turn but then to compensate something with mana surging changes? Otherwise Iā€™d prefer the current system.

The main problem in PVP is a crazy AI that is SOOOOOOO lucky to get a LOT of extra turns in a row. No matter the team, no matter the stellarix/takshaka/wand of stars comboā€¦ AI just oneshots me even when my and enemy teams are the same! Just because my wand of stars doesnā€™t create extra turn 5 times in a row and the enemy wand of stars creates extra move skull waterfall that annihilates my team in no time! AI luck is overpowered, so it will be worse than now when the devs remove extra turns on 4 gem matches. Because AI luck is ā€œFAIRLYā€ bigger than yours and it will destroy your team without any chance. Devs will never say that theyā€™re wrong ant they need to fix the AI. Also Iā€™ve admitted one little thing. The more is a difference in levels the more ā€œluckyā€ AI is. Skull waterfalls, 4-8 extra moves in a row, etcā€¦ Just remember the ā€œeasinessā€ of 500 PF Labyrinth, Hellgate, Wyrmrun, Sunken Fleetā€¦ These factions were a pain in my butt just because of skull waterfalls, a lot of extra turns in a row, lucky AI gem matches which filled all the enemy mana just in one turn and killed my team no matter the kingdom bonus and treasure level. It was a long before the PVP update. AI is an inadequately lucky. PVP update just shows how much it is inadequate.