No Alliance Battles Showing on Friday

No Alliance Battles Showing on Friday. All Citadels say Next week. I thought the only off days where Wed and Sunday?

What is going on? Why the constant time gating. It is getting very frustrating.




On NS the same!

It’s because we had the weirdness yesterday of the 3 remaining citadels becoming vulnerable early. Each citadel is vulnerable once per week only.

Related to this: it’s silly that we get 6 Citadel Sigils every day but that (a) unused sigils don’t carry over and (b) there are multiple days per week that there are no vulnerable citadels = no way to use sigils. On these days, the daily sigils simply go to waste.

Could we please get some limited carry over of Citadel Sigils – similar to the quality-of-life carryover that was implemented for Underspire torches – so that we can actually play all the sigils we’re given?


Thought it was strange today when playing on Switch. No citadels to battle, what´s the point with this game-mode? Am I missing something?

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Hopefully we get 12 turns tomorrow after they fix it. But then again they hot fix something good for us and do not address a clear bug and quick fix that can be put in place to unlock the citadels.

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Same point with every “new” game mode, currency/resource, key, and sigil, that gets released, its a quick cash grab. In this case, its targeted at a particular portion of the player base that wants/needs to be listed at the top of leaderboards.

PvP was one of the few modes without any additional monetization. Now since its revamp it has a ton of monetization. And this citadel stuff is no different than the monolith stuff, or any of the other limited battle modes, where if you want to keep playing, then you have to pay $$$$ to play.